Gereg Гэрэгэ ゲーレッグ
Let the spirit of song, ancient music in place of stars
fill the canopy dark and empty, devoid of meaningful sight.
Kneel to the vision of eternal light; though the stars fall'n
Kneel to the scent that conjures homeward paradisal recollection.
Man, born and sinned in Eden. Found in flesh-born and flesh-killing
Song his redemption. Song! Bend to its Will. Its deadly potency.
Song! Kneel to its Might. Its flawless ministry.
Song! Permit neither weakness nor sin. For evil, singing like music
is but a poignant note. Song! Devoid of light! Devoid of sight!
Let night devour the hollow fulness of spirit and sight. Let Pan's plaintive cry
thrill thy flesh-bound body to unearthly fight and flight! Song! Rejoice!
Kneel to the Song beyond good and evil. the song with no yeoman fear
For the sake of flawed and faulty, human guilty I sing.
Song of doomed eternal unoccurence. One of a Kind.
Though in every aeon Nevermore my name is echoed I return in vision,
Spirit, and this song! The bamboo-cutter in the east,
cleft open the earth's ever brimming sephulcre'd ocean; the broken Moon and split Sea.
and Kaguya the Princess, has yet just born from fancy (of akasha by my Will)
rose-limbed and leaf-scented, fresh---yes, a babe poem,
and with wings of notes I found and I thus provided through this song,
has yet learned to walk, could but fly! across the inky night! (die all the unmanly weakness, die empty paradise!)
The song of eternal inky night! (Song! Written and burning eternal!)
Song! Bend to my Will!
Song! Human, kneel!
To the joyful spirit and vision of Night Eternal of Pan.
To the sorrowful embodiment of Sacrosanct Imperishable Night!
"When the bamboo is cut open, the sleeping babe flies back to the imperishable Moon."