
◇Restaurant Sugita◇

⌂東京都港区新橋5-13-10 VORT新橋NEX 1F



神戸牛リブマキの漬け仕立て 自家製の肉専用漬けタレに、お客様の前で浸し、味を含ませ、オーガニックな旬の花野菜を絡み合わせた一皿。 食べると肉の旨味がタレ味に馴染み、新たな旨味が口の中に広がります。 ひと口ごとに新しい美味しさが感じられて、やみつきになること間違いなしです。 食べる前からワクワクしてしまう、まさに特別感満載の一品です! Pickled Kobe beef rib maki This dish is made by soaking the meat in a homemade pickling sauce in front of the customer, adding flavor to it, and intertwining it with organic seasonal flowers and vegetables. When you eat it, the flavor of the meat becomes familiar with the sauce, and a new flavor spreads in your mouth. You'll experience a new taste with every bite, and you'll definitely get addicted to it. It's a truly special dish that will make you excited even before you eat it!
