An original mystery film directed by Itaru Mizuno, whose 2023 TV drama "Brush Up Life" won many awards both domestically and internationally. Directed and written by Mizuno, the film is set in a mysterious apartment building where people disappear one after another, and depicts an unpredictable development filled with foreshadowing.
As Maruko, a young delivery worker, goes in and out of an apartment complex where people are rumored to be disappearing one after another every day, she comes to know the secrets of the suspicious residents. Maruko consults with Arakawa, a senior at work who aspires to be a novelist, and tries to find out the identity of the resident while listening to Arakawa's opinion, but before they know it, the two of them become involved in an unexpectedly big incident.
Today's #DayDay .🌱
The guest is
From the movie “#That person disappeared” released today
✅#Fumiya Takahashi
✅#Kei Tanaka
Coming soon 📺
🗝️New information released! !
#Tomoya Nakamura will appear as Makisaka, the resident of Room 201, who has been shrouded in mystery until now!
People are disappearing one after another in this apartment building, and all the residents are suspicious.
What kind of person is Makisaka? ?
#That person disappeared