
🎧TK from 凛として時雨🎧




dignified sigure

Rin Toshi Sigure is a 3-piece band from Saitama Prefecture.

They are veterans who celebrated their 15th anniversary the year before last. They cut through the cutting edge of the Japanese music scene with their high-tone voices, shouts, roaring sounds, and odd time signatures.

Speaking of Shigure, it is "PSYCHO-PASS".

時雨と言えば「PSYCHO-PASS サイコパス」。


「Enigmatic Feeling」

「Who What Who What」「laser beamer」の4曲がアニメ・映画・舞台の主題歌に起用。

TK from Ling Toshi Sigure

 “Who am I?”


"My Hero Academia" 7th season OP video non-credit version has been released!


🎧“Who’s Me” now available▶️smar.lnk.to/8Pocou

@My Hero Academia

#heroaca_a #heroaca


Thank you to Vivara DJ yesterday! Next is Pierre Nakano alone on 5/17! I also play real drums and DJ! It's sure to be a fun day, so don't miss it!
