
🎻反田恭平🎹PM13時より徹子の部屋🏘Tetsuko 's Room🏘

I will be appearing on #Tetsuko 's Room which is scheduled to be broadcast tomorrow.

This will be my third time performing, but I'm still as nervous as ever  

Watch it on #TVAsahi from 1pm!

~☆TV Asahi 65th anniversary~

Kyohei Tanda (piano) x A. Ottensamer (conductor)

Basel Chamber Orchestra

6/28 (Friday) 19:00… twitter.com/i/

Being able to perform "Song" and "Arpeggione Sonata" with contrabass player Otsuki-kun, as well as "Masu" with the principals who I usually play in #Yomikyo , at Kioi Hall, which has a rich sound and which I love. I'm really looking forward to it! ! jno.co.jp/ja/concert/151 There are only a few seats left.

Pf. 反田恭平  

Vn. 長原幸太  

Va. 鈴木康浩  

Vc. 冨岡廉太郎



