
Otitis media with effusion is a disease in which fluid called exudate accumulates in the middle ear cavity behind the eardrum. When inflammation occurs within the middle ear cavity, inflammatory fluid oozes out from the cells of the middle ear cavity. This fluid is called exudate and is normally discharged into the throat through the Eustachian tube that connects the middle ear to the back of the nose.

滲出性中耳炎とは、鼓膜の奥の中耳腔に滲出液と呼ばれる液体が貯留する病気です。 中耳腔内で炎症が起こると、中耳腔の細胞から炎症性の水が滲みでてきます。 これを滲出液といい通常は中耳と鼻の奥をつなぐ耳管から喉の方へ排出されます。

(Before going to school, I was watching the news about chronic otitis media.

Due to the influenza pandemic,

M asked me, ``Why do I get otitis media?'')

m's question is realistic and has a good perspective.
