This work, written by Toyoshige Imai and directed by Prince Hiroi, is a stage production centered around the Heian period onmyoji Abe Seimei and the four gods who protect the capital. SUGIZO is in charge of the music. The Japanese music composition will be done by Chotatsuro Imado, the kagura choreography by Kent Mori, and the kabuki music by Denjiro Tanaka.
At today's press conference, Danjuro said, ``The trajectory of Abe Seimei, who lived during the Heian period, is widely known through various works, but Kabuki is about building on and surpassing what has been depicted in the past.'' There's something interesting about it. I hope we can show Seimei statues like never before in a new type of Kabuki."
Iida Group Holdings
Thank you very much.