

High pressure is the intersection of Venus and others

Low pressure is the intersection of viruses

I won't lose.

自身が出演するNHK BSの連続ドラマ「舟を編む」の放送開始を2月18日に控える野田。彼が生放送のトーク番組に出演するのは今回が初となる。番組では、2020年放送のNHK連続テレビ小説「エール」での共演者が語る野田の素顔や、およそ5年の時を経て2月28日にCDリリースされるRADWIMPSの人気曲「正解」に込めた思いなどが明らかになる。

Noda is about to begin broadcasting the NHK BS drama series "Fune wo Kite?kite? (weave a boat)" in which he appears on February 18th. This is the first time he will appear on a live talk show. In the program, Noda's true face will be talked about by his co-stars in the NHK drama series "Ale" that aired in 2020, and the meaning behind RADWIMPS' popular song "Seikai" which will be released on CD on February 28th after about 5 years. My thoughts and feelings become clear.

心の傷の癒やし方で、とてもいいですね🌹This is a song suitable for healing emotional wounds.

At Haruka Kanata, I cried.
