I feel like I'm making a lot of people into enemies, but I can't stand it, so I'm saying this.
If you're writing a book for children, why can't you just say, ``Don't kill children?'' What are the circumstances under which you cannot say "don't kill children"?
Publishers and editors of children's books, please speak up. It seems like it's already been a year
#虎に翼 は原爆裁判へ。今朝は第五福竜丸の事件にも言及。昨年、広島市教育委員会が平和教育教材から「はだしのゲン」を削除する方針であることが報じられ、さらに中学生の教材からは「第五福竜丸」の記載がなくなることも明るみに。高橋博子さんの解説です▶ d4p.world/20370/ #D4P
🌺(top 🖼はコスモスです)🌺
🌺The top 🖼 is cosmos from the note.🌺
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