🌆Japan National Orchestra🌇奉納公演🌌
【世界的ピアニストで“社長” 反田恭平さんの目指すもの】
— 報道ステーション+土日ステ (@hst_tvasahi) May 3, 2024
背景にはある“思い”がありました pic.twitter.com/r0fJuXjHjf
What the world-renowned pianist and “president” Kyohei Tanda is aiming for]
Chopin International Piano Competition 2nd place
While being a world-class pianist
Kyohei Tanda (@kyohei0901), who also has the face of a “president”
Live in the studio tonight
“Making Nara a “capital of music””
Why did you become president?
There was a certain “thought” behind it.
Like Schumann's other song cycles, it consists only of piano and vocal music. This "Myrte Flower" was dedicated to his "beloved bride" Clara Schumann. In 1840, Schumann married Clara.
●ともにバッハに学び、影響を受けたシューマンとリスト。 良き友人関係であったといわれる二人は、互いに曲を捧げあっています。 また、編曲の達人であったリストは、シューマン作品も多く手がけています。 歌曲がもとになったものが多く、中でもM4の《献呈》はリストによるピアノ版も広く知られています。2018/07/30
Schumann and Liszt both studied under Bach and were influenced by him. The two are said to have been good friends and have dedicated songs to each other. In addition, Liszt, who was a master of arrangement, also worked on many works by Schumann. Many of them are based on songs, and the piano version of M4's "Dedication" by Liszt is also widely known. 2018/07/30