
Mani Bhavan Gandhi Sangrahalaya / マニ ババン ガンディー博物館 (Mumbai, India)


Mumbai played a very prominent part in India’s struggle for freedom. Gandhiji was rightly proud of the patriotic and cosmopolitan citizens of Mumbai.
Revisiting Mani Bhavan On March 3, 1959, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru observed: “Mani Bhavan in Bombay will ever remain a precious memory to all those who visited it on many occasions when Gandhiji used to stay there. I am glad therefore, that this house is being converted into a Gandhi Memorial”.
Mani Bhavan, a modest two-storied building on the Laburnum Road in the comparatively quiet locality called Gamdevi, served for about seventeen eventful years (1917-1934) as the nerve centre in Bombay for Gandhiji’s activities. It belonged to Shri Revashankar Jagjeevan Jhaveri who was an ardent devotee of Gandhiji and his affectionate host during that period. Today Mani Bhavan is a hallowed memorial to Gandhiji, to his stay here and to the activities he initiated from here.
Mani Bhavan has a story to tell: it housed Gandhiji frequently during the times when he grew in stature and strength, from an agitator to a world figure by successfully introducing Satyagraha (individual as well as mass) as a new and effective weapon to fight all evil and injustice. Mani Bhavan was the epicenter of India’s struggle for freedom, especially between 1917 to 1934.
It was from here that first phase of non-violent freedom struggle was launched. In the latter part of 1918 while he was recuperating in Mani Bhavan, Gandhiji took his first lessons in carding from a person who used to pass by Mani Bhavan. According to him, the hum of charkha “had no small share in restoring him to health” He yielded to Kasturba’s suggestion and began taking goat’s milk here when his health was very critical in January 1919.
Satyagraha against the Rowlatt Act was launched from Mani Bhavan in March, 1919. With a view to defy the Indian Press Act, it was also from here that Gandhiji commenced his weekly bulletin “Satyagrahi” on April 7, 1919.


マニ バヴァンを再訪 1959 年 3 月 3 日、パンディット ジャワハルラール ネルーは次のように述べました。「ボンベイのマニ バヴァンは、ガンジーが滞在していた時代に何度も訪れたすべての人にとって、いつまでも貴重な思い出として残るでしょう。ですから、この家がガンジー記念碑に改装されることを嬉しく思います。」
マニ バヴァンは、ラブルナム ロード沿いのガムデヴィと呼ばれる比較的静かな地域にある質素な 2 階建ての建物で、約 17 年間 (1917 年から 1934 年) にわたってボンベイにおけるガンジーの活動の中心地として機能しました。この建物は、ガンジーの熱烈な信奉者であり、その期間にガンジーを温かくもてなしたシュリ レヴァシャンカール ジャグジーヴァン ジャヴェリの所有物でした。今日、マニ バヴァンは、ガンジー、彼のこの地での滞在、そして彼がこの地から始めた活動に対する神聖な記念碑となっています。
マニ バヴァンには、語るべき物語があります。ガンジーが、あらゆる悪と不正と戦うための新しい効果的な武器としてサティヤーグラハ (個人および大衆) を成功裏に導入し、運動家から世界的な人物へと名声と力をつけていく中で、マニ バヴァンは頻繁にここに住んでいました。マニ バヴァンは、特に 1917 年から 1934 年の間、インドの自由を求める闘争の中心地でした。
非暴力による自由への闘争の第一段階はここから始まりました。1918 年後半、マニ バヴァンで療養中だったガンジーは、マニ バヴァンをよく通っていた人からカーディングの初手を学びました。彼によると、チャルカの音は「健康回復に少なからず貢献した」そうです。1919 年 1 月、健康状態が非常に危ぶまれたとき、ガンジーはカストゥルバの勧めに従い、ここでヤギの乳を飲み始めました。
ローラット法に対するサティヤーグラハ運動は、1919 年 3 月にマニ バヴァンから開始されました。インド報道法に反対する目的で、ガンジーは 1919 年 4 月 7 日に週刊誌「サティヤーグラハ」をここから開始しました。

This heritage building of national importance is a tourist attraction. It is visited daily by a large number of visitors from India and abroad. Mani Bhavan Gandhi Sangrahalaya is open to public on all days between 9.30 a.m. to 6.00 p.m.
The ground floor houses the office of the Museum and the Library that has a rich collection of about 40,000 books in Reference and Lending sections. Many scholars, students, teachers and participants of the Gandhi Jayanti Competitions use the library for reference and reading.
At the display counter are available some important books by and on Gandhiji, Gandhi postage stamps issued by India and other countries, and mementos.
On the first floor is the photo gallery illustrating Gandhiji's life and events through the pictures. Next to the picture gallery is the auditorium where films on Gandhiji are shown and the recordings of his speeches are played on request. It is also used for holding meetings, seminars and discussions. Various competitions for school and college students are held here in collaboration with Gandhi Smarak Nidhi, Mumbai, which has its office on the first floor.
On the second floor, the room where Gandhiji lived and worked is preserved in its original setting. Adjoining Gandhiji’s Room is the exhibition depicting Gandhiji’s life through miniature figures.
Mani Bhavan also hosts several important meetings of social workers, concerned citizens, Sarvodaya workers, students and teachers.


この国家的に重要な歴史的建造物は観光名所であり、インド国内外から毎日多くの観光客が訪れます。マニ バヴァン ガンディー サングラハラヤは毎日午前 9 時 30 分から午後 6 時まで一般公開されています。
1 階には博物館のオフィスと図書館があり、参考書と貸出コーナーには約 40,000 冊の豊富な蔵書があります。多くの学者、学生、教師、ガンジー ジャヤンティ コンペティションの参加者が、参考資料や読書のために図書館を利用しています。
1 階には、ガンジーの生涯と出来事を写真で紹介する写真ギャラリーがあります。写真ギャラリーの隣には講堂があり、ガンジーに関する映画が上映され、リクエストに応じてガンジーのスピーチの録音が再生されます。また、会議、セミナー、ディスカッションの開催にも使用されます。1 階にオフィスがあるムンバイのガンジー スマラク ニディと共同で、学校や大学の学生を対象としたさまざまなコンテストが開催されます。


  • There were informational pamphlets available in Japanese.

  • At the time of my visit, it seemed like mostly people from Europe and the US were there.

  • Exhibits about the evolution of the Indian flag were on display in various museums.

  • The way the exhibits with doll-like figures were displayed on the upper floor was quite unique and something I hadn't seen before. Perhaps this was done to make it easier for children and those who can't read the text to understand.

  • There were many books and photos on display, but since the house itself isn't very large, I'm not sure if "many" is the best way to describe it.

  • "Truth alone will endure, all the rest will be swept away in the tide of Time." - M. K. Gandhi

  • I later realized that I've seen Gandhi's statues, exhibits, and heard stories about him in various places around the world. It made me realize how significant his impact on the world was.

  • It's possible to view the exhibits with high accuracy through a virtual tour. Isn't this amazing?


・Truth alone will endure, all the rest will be swept away in the tide of Time. - M. K. Gandhi
