愛知学院大学2017年(2/1)・英文法語法問題演習【江南ネクサス英語塾】【大学入試過去問 英語力爆上げ 成績UP 大学受験 偏差値】
次の英文の( )内に入れるのにもっとも適当なものをa~dの中から1つ選びなさい。(1~15)
(1) Sara looked very professional ( ) her new uniform.
a.at b.by c.for d.in
(2) Audrey was very excited at the idea ( ) going to Australia for the vacation.
a.in b.of c.to d.with
(3) It is getting warmer here. ( ) is the weather like up there?
a.How b.What c.When d.Why
(4) The flight attendant said, "Please remain ( ) until the seat belt sign is turned off."
a.seat b.seated c.seating d.to seat
(5) ( ) I met John, he was still a college student.
a.At first b.For the first time c.In the first
d.The first time
(6) Fortunately, bus services are now back to ( ) after yesterday's strike.
a.common b.normal c.ordinary d.regular
(7) Study harder, ( ) you'll be able to pass the exam.
a.and b.but c.or d.yet
(8) Jonny was too late to ( ) his friends that the concert had been canceled.
a.explain b.say c.talk d.tell
A: Excuse me, but could you tell me how ( ) it is from this airport to the Regent Hotel?
B: It's about 20 kilometers, half an hour by taxi.
a.far b.length c.long d.much
A: Hello. This is Jane Brown. Could I speak to Mr. Smith?
B: I'm afraid you have the ( ) number. This is EIM company.
a.bad b.different c.ill d.wrong
A: I am looking for a Mother's Day present.
B: Do you have anything in ( )?
a.goods b.hope c.mind d.wishes
A: What has ( ) you to Japan?
B: I have come to study the tea ceremony.
a.been b.brought c.come d.taken
(13) Jeremy ( ) stamps since he was a child.
a.collects b.has been collecting c.is collecting
d.was collecting
(14) We're running out of time. Let's ( ) this discussion tomorrow.
a.carry on b.go after c.put out d.take notice
(15) Mr. Lee wasn't able to attend today's meeting, but he ( ) the results tomorrow morning.
a.is going to be knowing b.will be knowing
c.will have known d.will know
(1) Sara looked very professional (d.in) her new uniform. 解説:「in」は服装を表すときに使います。和訳:「彼女の新しい制服で非常に専門的に見えた」
(2) Audrey was very excited at the idea (b.of) going to Australia for the vacation. 解説:「the idea of ~」は「〜する考え」を意味します。和訳:「オーストラリアへの休暇の考えにとても興奮していた」
(3) It is getting warmer here. (b.What) is the weather like up there? 解説:天気について尋ねるときは、「What is the weather like…?」を使います。和訳:「そこでは天気はどうですか?」
(4) The flight attendant said, “Please remain (b.seated) until the seat belt sign is turned off.” 解説:「remain seated」は「座ったままでいる」を意味します。和訳:「シートベルトのサインが消えるまで座ったままでいてください」
(5) (d.The first time) I met John, he was still a college student. 解説:「The first time ~」は「初めて〜したとき」を意味します。和訳:「初めてジョンに会ったとき、彼はまだ大学生だった」
(6) Fortunately, bus services are now back to (b.normal) after yesterday’s strike. 解説:「back to normal」は「通常通りに戻る」を意味します。和訳:「幸いなことに、昨日のストライキの後、バスのサービスは今や通常に戻っています」
(7) Study harder, (a.and) you’ll be able to pass the exam. 解説:「and」は結果を示す接続詞です。和訳:「もっと一生懸命勉強すれば、試験に合格できるでしょう」
(8) Jonny was too late to (d.tell) his friends that the concert had been canceled. 解説:「tell」は「〜に伝える」を意味します。和訳:「ジョニーはコンサートがキャンセルされたことを友人に伝えるのが遅すぎた」
(9)A: Excuse me, but could you tell me how (a.far) it is from this airport to the Regent Hotel?
B: It’s about 20 kilometers, half an hour by taxi. 解説:距離を尋ねるときは「how far」を使います。和訳:「この空港からリージェントホテルまでどのくらいの距離がありますか?」
A: Hello. This is Jane Brown. Could I speak to Mr. Smith?
B: I’m afraid you have the (d.wrong) number. This is EIM company. 解説:「wrong number」は「間違った番号」を意味します。和訳:「申し訳ありませんが、間違った番号です。これはEIM会社です」
A: I am looking for a Mother’s Day present.
B: Do you have anything in (c.mind)? 解説:「have something in mind」は「何か考えがある」を意味します。和訳:「何か考えていますか?」
A: What has (b.brought) you to Japan?
B: I have come to study the tea ceremony. 解説:「What has brought you to ~?」は「何があなたを〜に連れてきましたか?」を意味します。和訳:「何があなたを日本に連れてきましたか?」
(13) Jeremy (b.has been collecting) stamps since he was a child. 解説:「has been ~ing」は過去から現在まで続いている行動を表します。和訳:「ジェレミーは子供の頃から切手を集めています」
(14) We’re running out of time. Let’s (a.carry on) this discussion tomorrow. 解説:「carry on」は「続ける」を意味します。和訳:「時間がなくなってきました。この議論は明日続けましょう」
(15) Mr. Lee wasn’t able to attend today’s meeting, but he (d.will know) the results tomorrow morning. 解説:「will know」は「知るでしょう」を意味します。和訳:「リーさんは今日の会議に出席できませんでしたが、彼は明日の朝に結果を知るでしょう」