R.I.P. David Lynch! Thank you all that dream
Yesterday, January 17, I read the news while working in my office that David Lynch was dead. It was Friday, and I was going to take a half day off to go to a cross country skiing. But when I found that sad news, something in my mind was about to loosen, untied, almost fallen apart, so I let my will off and kept to stay at office. In the meeting room, I was alone, attending to remote meeting. On the screen in computer, some comrades were speaking something, some documents were showed, but my conscious was flowing to somewhere far from my office. All I thought was such like that. "Why are you talking about such a tiny numbers on tiny document, in spite of David Lynch was dead?"
Of course there are bunch of directors whom I love. Dario argento, Paul Verhoeven, John Cassavetes, Marx Brothers, Cohen Brothers, Roman Polanski, Jean Luc Godard, Wes Craven, Aki Kaurismäki, Lars Von Trier, Michael Haneke...no, I can't name them all. Too much of great directors and too much of great films. All through my twenties and thirties, I have been totaly captured by such a realm of splendid films. At that time, I was living to watch a film. Riding the train, washing my clothes, brushing my teeth, all the daily activities were for the films. The money for film, the time for film, the energy for film. My life was spinning around the monitor screen in my room. I was a yo-yo between my room and DVD rental shop. No wife, no kid, no property tax, no pain in my back. What a easy life. Anyway, I came to fully respect all those directors. They gave me a lot of things which composing a part of myself, digging a secret vision, fostering a hidden dream. And this man, David Lynch, especially took me to the very unique place.
Do I have to dive into all the magnificent details of his works? No way, there are too much of them to write them down all out here. All I want to say here is, definitely, David Lynch was the most special director for me. He digged a unusual place in myself by unusual way which ever and never other one think of. Like a cabin deep into a huge woods, it was totally unseen even for me until he found. He came out from nowhere in the woods, enter the cabin, open the curtain, and put the lights on. Wow, so I felt. That's the phenomenon every time I watched his works. Maybe that's because of his way to treat things inside of him. Figuratively said, he likes to catch a fish in a pond. All his process of making film might be like a process of trying to catch an unseen fish. Then also the fishes inside of me might swim out of a shade under the rocks. As like a meditation which he loved, the characters in his film are to dive from the real world into the unreal world.Dive, dive, dive. Go deeper until reaching the place where all the noises are shut. Out there, we can find a new funny strange place in a new funny strange order. That's the specialty of David Lynch's works.
...Well, before I finish to write this post, I kind of feel to need the words from him to warm, tame my damaging spirit. Here's my favorite short quotes of him.
"This whole world is wild at heart and weird on top."
“There's a safety in thinking in a diner. You can have your coffee or your milkshake, and you can go off into strange dark areas, and always come back to the safety of the diner.”
“Keep your eye on the doughnut, not on the hole.”
“The mystery is what I love, It is the magnetism of life, and I find it wonderful to know that most things we know nothing whatever.”
“Important dreams are that you have when you're awake”.
“You know what dogs are like in a room? They really look like they’re having fun. They’re bouncing this ball around and chewing on stuff and they’re kind of panting and happy. Human beings are supposed to be like that. We should be pretty happy. And I don’t know why we aren’t.
Thank you David, you left me something nice, very very nice one. I will keep to hold it as I could. As like you, I also try to catch my fish in a pond. A shadow escapes far from here, and I just still alone in a lukewarm water with nothing to hear.