
How the bias works?

Last week, I kind of stumbled in my work. Not the failure, just a stucking. A stuck between two incompatible domains. Packets are wrong going and missing without reaching each others. These two are like different countries having different concept and different history.

Here's the story. I was in one side, and this manager was in the other side. Since a year, I have been joining a project which going to plan the new service. Our team have a challenging concept and were going to hire the collaborators to launch a proof of concept. Then I consulted to this manager in our department if they can give some resources to our projects. The answer is, simply said, "No". He criticized the ambiguity and unclearness of this project. He thought we must make the plan so rigid and clear. Who's the collaborators? Which departments to align with? What kind of skill can be needed? How to reach the goal?...he could continue as long if I didn't leave the conversation. What happened? Hmm, what he want was a finished product, but what we have was a vague concept which hadn't been verified nor garanteed. His explaining meant that he couldn't offer the real resources of his team to such a unreal project. He's definitely right. The best way to use resources is investing to the things which value is established. So he wisely denied and turn his face to real world, leaving me and unreal unverified concept behind.

I have no slightest intention of accusing him. Because, as I mentioned, he's right as a manager of his team. I'm just kind of wondering it's never easy to be free from the thinking structure confined by our own bias. The bias protect us, and simultaneously, shut us out of world which is surrounding us. Most of us don't have enough time and energy to face the unreal, unverified thing. So the bias helps.

How to break those bias? Maybe we need to go out of the place we familiared with. Unverified place. Uncharted place. Awkwardness, discomfort is the best friend for those who try to get renew themselves. Still, on that course, you might feel to be dumb, facing to disagreements by smart managers. But we must to remind ourselves that that's the very point of start.
