#ひゃくもじ 100文字小説 100 characters #21-30
Twitter @herownlife にて更新中。
#vol.1〜10 はこちら
#vol.11〜20 はこちら
These are very short novels with only a hundred characters (in Japanese characters). I hope you can feel the unique world in the short sentences.
vol.21 最後の花見
The last time we saw cherry blossoms
Cherry blossoms were in full bloom at a park in my neighborhood. Someone who was my lover more than 10 years ago came to see me. He said he was in the neighborhood by chance. I wondered if it was true. We opened a can of beer while seeing the cherry blossoms. We told each other we were happy. It's probably the last beer for us. Take care.
ところで英訳する時「桜を見る」の「見る」ってどれが正解なんだ?と悩んだ。もちろん見ると言えばwatch, look, see, viewと中1で出てくる単語ばかりだしその使い分けも習った。でも桜を見る時、それは桜の花弁を観察するわけではないしなんなら桜を見ずにビール飲んでる時間も含めて「桜を見ている」んだよな。考えるな感じろ!
feel the cherry blossoms 意外にいい線行ってるのでは?知らんけど。
vol.22 イルカのように
like a dolphin
You swim beautifully like a dolphin. I watched you the whole time. Your turns, your shoulder blades, your smooth back. “Sayaka, you're always skipping the pool,” you said. You looked too young when you weren't swimming, and I wished you could swim forever.
vol.23 免許更新の日
The day of renewing my driver's license
It had been a while since I had ridden the Keihan train. The train moved slowly, running, stopping, opening doors, closing doors…the same thing over and over. The soft spring light warmed my cheeks through the window. And everyone who gets off at this station is alone. That’s why I think renewing driver's license is not bad.
京阪に各停しか停まらない古川橋という駅がある。この駅は運転免許試験場の最寄駅で(最寄りといっても徒歩だと20分かかる)、試験場へ向かう人だけがここで降りる。(うそです言い過ぎました) もちろん春休みとか夏休みとか学生が連れ立っていることもあるけれど、大人になってしまえば何年かごとの誕生月に誰かと誘い合わせて免許更新に行くことなんかなく、ほとんどの人が一人でこの駅に降り、一人でバスに乗り、一人食堂でカレーを食べる。
vol.24 姉
My oldest sister
I had always thought of my sister as a scary person. She was too serious to make it through the day. I had thought her eyes had been scary. As an adult, I once told my sister that. She said yes, and smiled a little.
vol.25 私の仕事
My work
Ms. Sasaki who is AI and came in last week, is an impatient type. I had hoped for a more relaxed setting, but Mr. Yamazaki who is AI rejected the idea, saying that such a thing would be useless. The AI relationship in this department is strained, and I, as a human, am in the role of mediator. It's too hard.
vol.26 私にしかできないこと
Only one thing only I can do
There is nothing that only I can do. The secretary of the local government association, the advertising designer, someone taking care of her mother-in-law, your wife. Anyone can be them. Anyone can do all the things except this - choking Sanae. Don’t bring the handbill to me now.
vol.27 ジャストフレンド
Just Friends
He occasionally sends me guitar videos. Sometimes it lasts a week, sometimes we have months. It always arrives without words. Sometimes there's a song in it, though. I send a heartfelt like (if I like it). Just Friends.
vol.28 - take2 変な人
Weird people
Why do I love all these weird people? Like the person who keeps drawing someone's dog in the zoo with his girlfriend. / It's just that you love him. The people you don't love yet are just plain weird. They are all weird.
好きな人ってなんだか特別に感じちゃう(いい意味だけでなく)。それを誇張して「彼って変なんですよぉ」と困ってる風に誰かに話したくなったりしちゃうけど、一歩引いてみればお前の彼だろうがなかろうがみんな変ですよって身もふたもない話。最後のThey are all weird.のTheyはWeにするか悩んだ。
vol.29 Twitter職人
Twitter craftsman
AI can analyze your target's tweets and return the response he prefers. It can reply with sarcasm, reply in a stupid way, reply with excessive empathy, end the exchange at the right time, etc. My raison d'etre as a Twitter craftsman...I have to use it for myself...
ツイ廃ってTwitterから何かを得ようと没頭している人は意外に少なくて、東に疲れた者あればビールの絵文字を送り、西に推しあれば尊死し、南に死にそうな人あれば行って怖がらなくてもいいと言い、北に喧嘩や訴訟があればいいぞもっとやれと言う、いっちょかみの寂しがり屋さんが多い印象。(主観です) それで書いてて気づいたんですけど今言った中でひとつAIに(たぶん)できないことがあって、それは尊死。みんな推しを推していこうな。
vol.30 僕が旅に出る理由
Reasons for me to go on a trip
There are only about three reasons for me to go on a trip. First, I want to know how I would be in an environment where no one knows me. When I don't smile for no reason and don’t brood, am I really me? One is enough.