
八丁味噌ときのこのスプレッド / Hatcho Miso and Mushroom Spread



「赤ワインと合うかも,まあ赤ワイン飲んだことないんだけどね」と言って渡したらウケてました.またこれを気に入ったPh.D の学生が,博士論文のおまけに本レシピ掲載してくれたのもいい思い出です.

八丁味噌は思いの外使い勝手がよく,Boeuf bourguignon に入れたところ味が整ったのが驚き.帰国後も積極的に使っていきたいです.


  • Hatcho miso 25g

  • brown mushroom 250g

  • Olive oil: 24g (2 tbsp)

  • Garlic: 1 clove

  • Milled black pepper

  • Pink pepper (for decoration)

Miso:Mushroom = 1:10


  1. Mince mushrooms and garlic —(1)

    • I don't have a food processor, so I coarsely chopped the mushrooms this time, but you can adjust the texture to your preference. But a paste of garlic is better.

  2. Pour the olive oil into a cold frying pan or small saucepan, add (1), and heat it to low to medium heat (about 4 out of 10).

    • Wait without touching the pan until the mushrooms release their moisture.

  3. When water comes out of the mushrooms, add miso paste.

    • Stir to dissolve the miso with the water from the mushrooms.

  4. Once the miso has dissolved, turn up the heat a little and simmer until it reaches the consistency of patties (I think it was about 5 out of 10)

    • Stir occasionally to prevent burning.

  5. Season with pepper to taste.

  6. Bon appetit!


  • Miso soup containing ingredients other than soybeans (such as rice or barley) should not be simmered until it boils (because the aromatic components of the miso will evaporate if it continues to heat above 90 degrees). It is said that miso made only from soybeans, such as Hatcho miso, is more flavorful and less bitter if heated for a long time. Therefore, if you use a miso other than Hatcho miso, you must be careful not to overheat. For example, thoroughly drain the mushrooms’ water before adding the miso.

  • This recipe can be applied to boeuf bourguignon.

  • I used brown mushrooms this time, but I think it would also be delicious with shiitake mushrooms.
