SFPC 2019 Summer in Yamaguchiに行ってきた
まずSFPC[School for Poetic Computation]とは何かということについては、このページをご覧いただきたい。ここに引用する。英語が苦手な方はGoogle翻訳結果を見ていただくのも良いが、もしあなたがSFPCについてより深く理解したいと思っているのであれば、翻訳は見ずに、たとえすらすら読めなくても、よく意味がわからなくても、大意をつかめているかすら自信が持てなくても、原文のまま受け止めておくことをお勧めする。声に出して読むことは理解の助けになる。
The School for Poetic Computation is organized around exploring the creative and expressive nature of computational approaches to art and design. The school approaches writing code like creative writing — focusing on the mechanics of programming, the demystification of tools, and hacking the conventions of art-making with computation.
We value the craft necessary to realize an idea, recognizing that every writer needs space and time to hone their trade. Our school aims to provide a safe haven for you to get acquainted with the craft of coding at your own pace, make it your own, and investigate the space between creative process and craft. This takes conversations with colleagues and the right push at the right time.
The school aims to be more than a technical bootcamp. It is an opportunity to work intensively with a small group of students, faculty, and artists to explore questions about the poetics of computation. For us, computation is poetic when technology is used for critical thinking and aesthetic inquiry – a space where logic meets electricity (hardware), math meets language (software) and analytical thinking meets creative experimentation.
This is also a school for teaching. Every student who comes here will be asked to share their expertise with their classmates in the form of workshops and outreach.
The goal of the school is to promote completely strange, whimsical, and beautiful work – not the sorts of things useful for building a portfolio for finding a job, but the sort of things that will surprise and delight people and help you to keep creating without a job. However, employers tell us they appreciate this kind of work as well.
This is not a program to get a degree, there are large programs for that. This is not a program to go for vocational skills, there are programs for that. This is a program for self-initiated learners who want to explore new possibilities. This is a program for thinkers in search of a community to realize greater dreams.
別の言い方をすると、SFPCの期間もし僕が"Poetic Computation"ではなく「詩的な計算」について考えようとしていたら、悪い意味で全く違った体験になっていただろう、ということだ。
翻訳全てが悪であると言っているわけではない。理解のとっかかりには良い場合もある。しかしもし「ニュアンス」と呼ばれる細部まで受け取りたいと思ったら、翻訳しないことが解になりうる。今回僕はそれを"Poetic Computation"を解釈する過程において痛感したし、冒頭に引用したステートメントについても同様に、翻訳することの難しさを感じている、ということである。
しかし幸いなことにこれは杞憂に終わった。School for Poetic Computation 2019 Summer in Yamaguchiは短縮版などではなく、濃縮版であった。
Photo: Naoki Takehisa
Courtesy of Yamaguchi Center for Arts and Media [YCAM]
![岩谷 成晃](https://assets.st-note.com/production/uploads/images/18558/profile_81f7ec9df0402b8b1d4a92295cecf8c3.png?width=600&crop=1:1,smart)