Naoshima People's 金吾さん(No.0013)
Naoshima People'sとは
He has been farming seaweed in Tsumuura for more than 40 years. He has full-scale audio equipment in his house.
中学卒業してからすぐじゃなぁ。島の砂を高松に運んだり、塩田の施設用の泥を持って行ったりしたな。それから30代の頃はハマチの養殖もした。稚魚 を買うてきて、目方測って、囲いも自分らで作って。ただ赤潮で全部やられた年はかなわんかったな。
そのあとは海苔を始めて、もう40 年以上になる。朝早いときは3時から起きて、作業しよった。ただもうこの辺の海苔をやっとる業者も昔は12軒くらい あったが、いまじゃもう3軒ほどじゃ。うちは孫が手伝いに来てくれて、継ぐって言うてくれとるけど、どうかな。いまは家でみんなと週に2回カラオケしたり、芸能大会で滑稽な踊りしたりして、毎日楽しんどるわ。
After I graduated from school, I used to haul sand from the island to Takamatsu. When I was in my 30s, I also farmed young yellowtail. We bought young fish, measured them, and built our own enclosures for raising them. After that, we started seaweed farming, and have been doing it for more than 40 years now. I used to get up as early as 3:00 in the morning to work. Now, I enjoy my time at home, doing karaoke twice a week with everyone.