


1章は「ビジネスですぐに効く 40ワード&使えるフレーズ」
3章は あなたはこれを丁寧に言えますか?となっています。

1章で取り上げられたワードと基本文を記載しておきます。私は reservationに予約以外の意味があるのを知りませんでした。

OBJECTIVE: The objective of this meeting is to decide next year’s budget.
CLARIFY: Let me clarify my point. Could you clarify what you’re proposing?
RESERVATION: I have reservation about this plan.
SHARE: Let me share with you some key factors.
OVERVIEW: First, let me give an overview of the project.
Refer: Please refer to page 30 in the catalogue.
Summarize: Could you summarize what you just said.
ANNOUNCE: We are happy to announce the launch of two innovative services.
LAUNCH: Our company launched a new business in Indonesia.
RELEASE: This model will be released as a limited edition.
COMMIT: We are committed to improving customer satisfaction.
AIM: We aim at acquire 1 million new users.
GENERATE: We will generate profit.
PRODUCE: We produce mobile phones.
ADVANTAGE: These are the advantages of proceeding with this plan.
ACHIEVE: We achieved a 20% increase in sales year-on-year.
TEAM: The team worked very hard together and delivered great results.
DELEGATE: I will delegate this project to you.
PROGRESS: We are making great progress.
FEEDBACK: Could you give us some feedback on the presentation?
PERFORMANCE: The performance of your department is 10% higher than last year.
RESULT: The annual results show significant improvement in sales.
FOCUS: We will focus on research and development this year.
DEVELOP: We have to develop a new rating system.
EXECUTE: We will execute the plan from Monday.
PROMOTE: Let’s promote this service through word of mouth.
EXPAND: We intend to expand our business into Chine.
CHALLENGE: We are facing a big challenge.
ISSUE: We need to talk about this issue.
IMPROVE: We can improve our operation.
OPPORTUNITY: I want to take this opportunity to thank everybody.
PERSPECTIVE: His advice made me see the issue from a broader perspective.
CONSIDER: Could you consider the other option.
MONITOR: Let’s monitor the progress.
REVISIT: We’ll revisit this issue next summer.
UPDATE: We will keep you update.
MANAGE: We managed to complete the task.
SOLVE: We will solve this problem.
REPORT: I will report on the progress of the project.





