
カナダの規制影響分析(Regulatory impact analysis 以下RIAとする、またそのアウトプットを規制影響分析報告 Regulatory Impact Analysis Statement呼び、以下RIASとする。)について
1. はじめに
2. 近年の状況
3. 制度
① 根拠
② 規制の定義
③ RIAの作成及びチェック機関
④ RIASの対象
⑤ 規制制定のプロセス
⑥ 認証の手続き
4. 実際の規制影響分析例
5. RIAの目的
6. RIA導入による変化
7. RIASのチェック
8. RIAの作成
9. 分析水準と分析ツール
10. トレーニングプログラム
11. 結語
補助資料1 RIASの具体例
補助資料2 "制定法(statutory instrument)"の定義
また、RIAのチェックに対しては、カナダでは枢密院事務局(Privy Council Office 以下PCOとする)が規制当局とチェック機関が親密に連携することで、強権的(command and control)なチェックの方法を採用するよりもむしろ、最低限度の義務を課した上で、むしろRIAのモチベーションを高めようと努力している。RIA導入当初においては、こういった方法も参考になると考えられる。
1. はじめに
(1) RIAの目的
RIAを行うことによる規制制定過程の客観的なマネージメント、RIASの作成、官報(以下、Canada Gazette I,II)への掲載による規制制定過程の透明化
(2) RIA導入による変化
環境省(Environment Canada)
ヒアリング(consultation) :従来より記録を厳格に行うようになった。
運輸省(Transport Canada)
コンサルテーション(consultation) :従来殆ど行わなかったのが行うようになった。
財務省(Finance Canada)
(3) RIAのチェック
(4) RIAの作成
カナダでは、RIAを本格的に行い始めて10年程と米国に比べて歴史が新しい。加えてチェック機関のPCOも内閣の事務局の地位にあり、権限もそれほど大きくないため、command and control systemを採用せず、友好的にRIAのメリットを広め、RIAを行うmotivationを高めることに努めている。結果として、RIAの質も省庁間でのばらつきが大きいのみならず、RIAの施行体制自体も発展途上という印象を受ける。しかし、今後導入する我が国には、RIA導入当初の姿として、参考になる点も多いと考えられる。特に、カナダの環境省は予算枠の下、高いRIAの水準を実現しており、その分析方法、分析体制は日本でも十分模範となると考えられる。
米国 カナダ
RIAの用語 RIA、経済分析 (interchangeableに使用) RIA (output: RIAS)
根拠 大統領令12866 1986 年の議会令 委任立法法, 連邦規制制定ガイドライン
RIA作成の範囲 重要な規制(economically significant)ただし、DOTは全て実施。商務省もroutineの規制以外はRIAを行う。 すべての規制(全ての規制についてRIASが必須)
法律が除かれている理由 経済分析の対象自体が大統領府のみただし、議会系の独立委員会の規制もOMBほど体系的ではないがGAOがreview 法律の場合、定量的な分析こそ行わないが、Transparencyは議会での制定過程で十分保証されている。逆に各規制当局の規制制定はTransparencyも少ない場合があり、それがRIAを導入する一因
RIAのチェック機関 OMB(Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs Division) 大統領府のExecutive Office Privy Council Office(Regulatory Affairs and Orders in Council Secretariat)
内閣の事務局。規制を最終的に認可するのは内閣の特別委員会(SCC Special Committee of Council )
RIAの作成 省内各局のエコノミストが作成し、省内のSecretary Officeの法律家が最終チェックし、OMBに送る。 局毎に作成するが、米国よりもエコノミストが少ない(ECのみ)。技術者が作成するケース(TC等)も多い。
ガイドライン 各省庁や省庁内の局で独自のガイドラインを作成 PCOのガイドラインを利用
RIA の記述内容 (経済分析の内容)
Cost and Benefit (assessment) Description
Benefit and Cost
RIAと規制との関係 OMBがRIAを認可しないと規制自体が大統領に批准されない。 RIAS自体は規制には必要不可欠。また、PCOが規制案をSCCに報告する。しかし、SCCに各省の大臣が参加しており、OMBに比べて、権力が弱い。
公表 Federal Register(ただし、経済分析はSummeryのみ) Canada Gazette(ただし、RIAの分析はSummeryのみ)
1. 近年の状況
世界的にRIAの施行と規制・行政改革の流れが対応しており、行政改革を遂行してきた主体がRIAも行なうという形態が採用される可能性がある。カナダでは行政改革がPCO→SCCというラインで進められ、一定の成果が挙げられている。RIAのチェック機関も昨年から財務委員会(Treasury Board Secretariat 以下財務委員会とする)からPCOに移行しており、上記の行政改革での成果と移管とは無関係ではないと考えられる。
また、PCOが内閣の事務局で、重要な規制を最終的に決済する内閣の特別委員会(Special Committee of Council 以下SCCとする)の事務局になるため、主要な規制の最終的な採決はPCO→SCCというラインで行なわれる。
2. 制度
① RIAの根拠
RIASはSCCが認可する全ての規制(Governer in Council Regulation)に義務付けられている。
規制制定に関係する法律やガイドラインとしては、委任立法法(the Statutory Instruments Actおよび委任立法規制(Statutory Instruments Regulations)、連邦規制制定過程ガイド(Federal Regulatory Process Guide)、カナダ政府規制政策(GOVERNMENT OF CANADA REGULATORY POLICY) 等があげられる。しかし、これらに規制影響分析を行なう根拠や直接RIAに関する記述は無いため、ヒアリングしたところ、1986年に内閣令(Cabinet Directive)が発せられ、RIAを規定しているカナダ政府規制政策(現在は1999版)が是認されている 。また、全ての規制にRIASを義務付けられている点に関しては、各省ともPCO、ひいてはカナダ政府の政策の一環として、RIAを施行する義務が生じると考えているようである 。
カナダでは規制インパクト分析をRIA(Regulatory Impact Analysis)、その結果の記述をRIAS(Regulatory Impact Analysis Statement)と呼ぶ。RIAの施行及び、及びRIASの作成義務は規制当局にあり、チェック義務をPCOのRegulatory Affairs and Orders in Council Secretariatが負っている。PCO(枢密院事務局)は重要な規制の最終的な決定を行う内閣特別委員会:SCC(Special Committee of Council)の事務局に相当する。PCOはSCCに規制が提出される際にRIASをチェックし、RIASを他の資料とともに規制に附随させる形でSCCに提出する。
上述②の定義にあてはまる全ての規制は批准の手続きの相違や議会の要請等によって区別されている。以下では、SCCで是認されることで始めて効力を発する規制(Governer in council Regulation 以下この範疇に限定して説明)に絞って解説するが、基本的に官報に掲載されるすべての規制にはRIASを付与することが義務付けられている。
以下では、規制にまつわる一般的な手続きを記述する。なお⑥では是認までのより詳細な手続きについて示す。⑥は以下のURLにある連邦規制制定ガイド(Federal Regulatory Process Guide)を参考に上述のGoverner in council Regulationのケースを例にとってまとめた。Federal Regulatory Process Guide 自体はPCOにRIAのチェックが移管されて間もないこともあり、昨年までチェック機関であった財務委員会が作成したものを利用している。
行政関与の必要性の確認、利害関係者へのヒアリングとそのフィードバック等を行なう。その後、規制制定の意図(Notice of intent)があることを早期にCanada GazetteIへの掲載、加えて、Federal Regulatory Plan(Regulatory Affairs (RAD), 財務委員会発行)へも掲載するようにする。
大臣への補助資料: communications plan、supplementary note
その他:a letter of transmittal, a ministerial recommendation, an Order in Council/order, a notice of prepublication (for the Canada Gazette, Part I only). memoranda to Cabinet, a Treasury Board submission.
うち、RIASは提案される規制全てに必須で、大臣への説明資料としてだけでなく、一般への説明資料でもあるのに対して、Communications plan、Supplementary noteは、ともに大臣の説明資料のみの役割を担う。
以下では、⑤のプロセスの中でもRIAに関連する認証の手続きについてGovernor-in-Council (GIC) regulations についてSCCの認可までの手続きをまとめる。
Stage 1 –草稿(Drafting of documents)
Stage 2 – PCO等への提出(Submission to central agencies)
法務省規制部局(Regulations Section-Justice),PCOへ草稿を提出。
Stage 3 – 草稿のチェック(Central agency examination of the draft documents)
法務省規制部局:法的整合性の確認。確認後各規制当局の法務局(departmental legal services unit DLSU) とPCOの規制担当部局(Regulatory Affairs Division)に承認の連絡を行う。.
Stage 4 – 官報 Iへの掲載のSCCの認可(Submission to PCO (OIC) for SCC approval to prepublish)
Stage 5 – SCCの掲載決定
Stage 6 – 官報 Iへの掲載
掲載後少なくとも30日間のパブリックコメントの期間を設けなければならない。 Part I は毎土曜に発行される。パブリックコメントの後、変更があれば法務省規制部局の再度の承認が必要。また、RIASも変更する必要があり、それをPCOの規制担当部局に再提出する。なお、変更の後、18 ヶ月以上最終案(final rule)が公表されなければ、再度官報 Iへの掲載が必要。
Stage 7 - SCC の最終認可のためのPCOへの申請
Stage 8 - SCC の最終認可決定
Stage 9 – 官報 IIへの記載と施行
Part IIは隔水曜日に出版される。委任立法法 では承認の23日以内の官報IIへの掲載を義務付けている。
3. RIASの内容
RIAS に含まれる項目は以下のとおりで、全てのRIASには以下の項目が必須となっている。ただし、費用と便益の項目に分析結果全てが掲載されるわけではなく、分析が膨大になっている場合はその要約のみの場合が多い。逆に簡単な規制のRIASは簡単な記述にとどまっている。
費用と便益(benefits and costs)
規制遵守(compliance and enforcement)
この規制は、従来のオゾン層破壊物質の利用等を制限する規制(Ozone-depleting Substances Regulations)と特定生産物におけるオゾン層破壊物質の使用に関する規制(Ozone-depleting Substances Products Regulations)をコンプライアンスやエンフォースメントを統合し、オゾン層破壊物質の利用等を制限する規制(Ozone-depleting Substances Regulations)に一本化するものである。RIAではその際の便益、費用、結果としての純便益が算出されている。
このRIASについては、1人の環境省のアナリストが1年間専属となり、業務量全体の30%程度を費やして完成させた。また、1社のコンサルティング会社に対して分析の一部を 5万カナダドル、つまり360万円程度(1カナダドル=72円とする。 11月27日の値より)で委託している。 結果として、このRIASのトータルコストは $75 000≒540万円程度となる。フロンガスの削減による便益の算出や産業界の費用データ収集といった大がかりな計算が必要となるにもかかわらずこの程度のコストで済んでいるのは、従来からの研究成果を参考にしている点が大きい。
90年代初期からカナダ環境省ではODP(Ozone Depleting Potential オゾン層削減物質)の削減による便益の推計と金銭評価に関する研究に対して、財政援助を行ってきた。
アプライドリサーチ(Applied Research Consultant(ARC))というシンクタンクはODP1トン当たりの削減便益を金銭換算した。金銭換算された便益には以下のようなものが含まれる。
• 人体への影響 – 皮膚ガンに関するもの;
• 物質に関する影響 – 人工ポリマーへの影響
• 漁業への影響
• 農業への影響
ARC は米国環境庁が開発し、人体への影響を推計した紫外線照射モデル(ultra-violet radiation exposure model)を人体のみならず、他への影響の推計にも適用した。しかし、ARCの報告は不確実性を考慮した広い範囲にまたがらざるを得なくなっている。先ず、カナダのみがフロンの防止を行ったと想定した場合、便益は $11,000 から $45,000つまり、80万円から320万英程度、平均で160万円程度に止まるのに対して、モントリオール議定書に賛同した批准国のほとんどすべてがフロンガスの削減を行った場合、 $225,000 つまり1620万円に上る。こういった数値をARC は 1997 年基準で60年間にわたる便益を割引率 5%で推計しており、不確実性に対する対処のため、上記のような広い許容範囲を設けている。
こういった値のうちどれを規制当局が採用するかは裁量に委ねられる。他の批准国も遵守する可能性が高いが、ここでは、出来るだけ保守的な分析結果を導出するため、1トン当たりの便益についての便益の範囲を、下限が80万円($11,025)中心が160万円($22,050)最高で1620万円 ($225,000)とし、平均は670万円($93,000)としている。
・ フレームワーク
1. 対象となる産業での段階的除去に関するオプション(時間や資本に関して)の定義
2. ベースラインの設定
3. 費用、便益の推計(費用データの総合、便益の算出等)
4. 主要な変数について、不確実性に関するテストを行い、純便益の上限、下限を特定する。
4. RIAの目的
従来から規制制定の初期の段階からパブリックヒアリングを行い、経済学者も含めて規制(主に課税ベース:tax baseの決定)を行って来たため、RIASは付け足し程度にしかなっておらず、他省庁が全て行っているので、足並みをそろえる上で行っているに過ぎない。作成も1人が半日程度で作成可能。
前述のように、規制当局が作成したRIASをPCOの規制部局RAOIC: Regulatory Affairs and Orders in Council Divisionがチェックしている。規制部局RAOICは規制担当部局と枢密院令部局(Orders in Council Division)の2部門に分かれ、前者がRIASのチェックを後者が規制の官報への掲載などを担当している。
Canada Gazette(官報)にはすべてのRIASが掲載される(草稿がGazette Iに、最終がGazette IIに掲載される)。しかし、すべてのdocumentが掲載されるわけではなく、分析は結果のみの場合もある。残りのドキュメントはRIASに記述されているcontact personに要求すれば得られる。
8. RIAの実施及びRIASの作成
1) 運輸省におけるRIAの実施及びRIASの作成
2) 環境省におけるRIAの実施及びRIASの作成
・ 経済分析関連の組織
環境省の経済・規制部門(Economic regulatory affair)が以下の3部局に分かれている。
(a)環境経済研究部門(Environmental Economics Branch)研究、金銭評価を行なう。
(b)経済問題担当部門(Economic Issue Branch)
(c)規制及び経済分析担当部門(Regulatory and Economic Analysis Branch 以下REABとする)
このうち、REABが環境保護関連(Environmental Protection Service)の規制についてRIAを行う。また、カナダには環境省の外部組織として、各州間のコーディネーションを担当する環境庁やカナダ野生保護動物保護局(Canadian Wildlife Service 以下CWSとする)等があり、それぞれに独自のRIAのスタッフを抱えている。CWSでは環境維持局(the Environmental Conservation Service)が野生動物保護に関する規制の RIAを行う。以下では、環境省内のREABに着目して、RIAの作成過程についてまとめる。上述のフロンガスの規制に関するRIASはここで作成されている。
REABのスタッフについては全体で、11人、うち経済学者が7人。ここでは年間5~10程度の規制についてRIAを行い、1件のRIAに1人の経済学者が割り当てられる。一人が平均で0.3年かけてRIAを書き上げる。(これは書く作業のみ。データの収集、費用便益の算定ははるかに時間をかけ、コンサルタントに依頼することもある。)なお、RIASはPCOに送付される前に規制及び経済分析担当部門の部門長(Director General (senior manager) of the Economic and Regulatory Affairs Directorate)がチェックする。
データの収集や分析についてはコンサルタントに外注するケースもある。1999年では4社のConsultantと契約し、1社平均360万円(50,000カナダドル)。背景や市場調査などを含めたより大掛りな場合は 最大720万円(100 000カナダドル)程度で外注を行った。
独自のデータ収集とそのソースに関しては、カナダの統計省のデータ、NPRI (National Pollutant Release Inventory) the Assessment of Priority Substances (PSL) programで構築されたデータ等が利用される。また、また、産業界からヒアリングやカナダ産業省(Industry Canada)からの情報も利用している。
費用便益分析に関するマニュアルについては、財務委員会が発行した、規制プログラムに関する費用-便益分析のガイド(Benefit/Cost Analysis Guide for Regulatory Program)があり、それを各省とも参考にしている。独自のものを作成しているところは少ないが、前述のように、運輸省は公共事業の評価のために費用便益分析を従来から行っているため、事業評価に関するマニュアルを有している。
Value of Lifeについての金銭評価については、現在1.5百万ドル程度の数字を使ってもいるが、公にすると政治的にセンシティヴな問題になるので、公にはしていない。また、割引率については財務委員会からの要請により10%を使用している。なお、CO2のダメージコスト等環境への影響に関しては、環境省で考慮しており、運輸省ではあまり評価していない。
補助資料1 RIASの具体例
ここでは、最近Canada Gazette IIに掲載されたRIAを任意に抜き出して参考までに掲載した。記載したのはカナダ産業省、運輸省、環境庁が管轄する規制のうち、最近のCanada Gazetteに掲載されたものや、上記のOZONE-DEPLETING SUBSTANCES REGULATIONS, 1998。
例1:Regulations Repealing the Manufacturing and Storage of Patented Medicines Regulations http://canada.gc.ca/gazette/part2/ascII/g2-13421_e.txt
(Canada Gazette, Part II Volume 134, Number 21OTTAWA, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 11, 2000)
1. The Manufacturing and Storage of Patented Medicines Regulations (<Reference 1> SOR/93-134) are repealed.
2. For greater certainty, it is not an infringement of a patent for any person who makes, constructs, uses or sells a patented invention in accordance with subsection 55.2(1) of the Patent Act to make, construct or use the invention, during the six month period immediately preceding the date on which the term of the patent expires but before October 7, 2000, for the manufacture and storage of articles intended for sale after the date on which the term of the patent expires.
3. These Regulations come into force on October 7, 2000.
(This statement is not part of the Regulations.)
These Regulations repeal the Manufacturing and Storage of Patented Medicines Regulations.
The Manufacturing and Storage of Patented Medicines Regulations were enacted in 1993, as part of the reforms to the Patent Act brought into force with the passage of Bill C-91, An Act to Amend the Patent Act (1992). Foremost among these reforms was the phasing-out of the compulsory licencing regime, a federally regulated arrangement whereby second-entry drug manufacturers (usually generic drug companies) could, on the payment of royalties to patent-holding innovator drug manufacturers (usually brand-name drug companies), obtain licences to sell generic versions of patented drugs.
While Bill C-91 brought about the extinction of the regime of compulsory licencing, it also introduced into the Patent Act two provisions that provide exceptions to the otherwise exclusive rights of the patentee to make, construct, use or sell a patented invention. The first such provision, subsection 55.2(1) of the Act, gives second-entry manufacturers the right to work a patented product for the purpose of completing whatever regulatory approval process applies to the product. The second such provision, subsection 55.2(2) of the Act, allows second-entry manufacturers to work a patented product for an "applicable period provided for by the Regulations" in order to stockpile an equivalent product which may then be sold after the relevant patent(s) expires (assuming the regulatory approval process has been completed). In the pharmaceutical industry, these provisions are designed to promote the entry onto market of generic drugs as soon as possible after the expiry of the patent(s) for the brand-name product.
Subsection 55.2(3) is the provision of the Patent Act that gives the Governor in Council the authority to make regulations for the purposes of the subsection 55.2(2) stockpiling exception. The Manufacturing and Storage of Patented Medicines Regulations were the only set of Regulations enacted pursuant to that authority. By providing for a six month "applicable period", the Manufacturing and Storage of Patented Medicines Regulations gave effect to the stockpiling exception. The effect of the present Regulations repealing the Manufacturing and Storage of Patented Medicines Regulations is to render the stockpiling exception of no legal force or effect.
International Trade
Repealing the Manufacturing and Storage of Patented Medicines Regulations became necessary in order to comply with a ruling of the World Trade Organization (WTO) Dispute Settlement Body (DSB) dated April 7, 2000, adopting the Panel's report in the case of "Canada - Patent Protection for Pharmaceutical Products". That case arose out of a challenge to the exceptions of subsections 55.2(1) and (2) of Canada's Patent Act brought by the European Communities and their member States (EC) under the WTO Dispute Settlement Rules and Procedures. In the Panel's report, dated March 17, 2000, it endorsed the regulatory approval exception but found the stockpiling exception to be inconsistent with Canada's international obligations under the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS).
The TRIPS Agreement is annexed to the Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization, which Canada entered into in 1994, following its participation in the Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations, the most recent round of multilateral trade talks under the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT). TRIPS establishes intellectual property protection standards to which WTO members must subscribe. It came into force in Canada in 1996.
In challenging subsections 55.2(1) and (2) of the Patent Act, the EC argued that the two provisions gave rise to exceptions in patent protection which were incompatible with the exclusive rights mandated by TRIPS. In defence of subsections 55.2(1) and (2), Canada explained that the two provisions constituted limited exceptions permitted by TRIPS to the exclusive rights conferred by a patent and as such, were designed to foster a balanced patent regime which promotes effective patent protection, while allowing competitive drugs to reach the market as soon as possible upon patent expiry.
While there is ample evidence to indicate that the subsection 55.2(1) regulatory approval exception succeeds in its intended objective, evidence of a relationship between the subsection 55.2(2) stockpiling exception and the entry onto market of generic drugs is less clearly established. It has been demonstrated that without the regulatory approval exception, the market access of generic drugs would be delayed by a period of 3 to 6( years (the average range of time required to complete the regulatory approval process for a generic drug). In contrast, even without the stockpiling exception, generic manufacturers typically have a number of months to manufacture and store product in the period between the regulatory approval date and the date a drug becomes listed on provincial formularies (upon which market penetration of generic drugs largely depends). Accordingly, Canada's loss on stockpiling is minimal when compared to its successful defence of the regulatory approval exception.
In finding the stockpiling exception to be inconsistent with TRIPS, the Panel concluded that "[t]he exception created by subsection 55.2(2) does not become effective until implementing regulations are issued". It then noted that "[t]he only regulations issued to date under the stockpiling exception have been regulations making the exception operative with regard to pharmaceutical products". By repealing the Manufacturing and Storage of Patented Medicines Regulations, thereby rendering the stockpiling exception of no legal force and effect, Canada will have complied with the terms of the Panel's report and brought its patent protection into conformity with its TRIPS obligations.
In determining how to respond to the DSB's request that Canada bring subsection 55.2(2) into conformity with TRIPS, Industry Canada, Health Canada and the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade (DFAIT) considered two alternatives to repealing the Manufacturing and Storage of Patented Medicines Regulations.
Status Quo
Notwithstanding its international treaty obligations Canada had the option not to implement the DSB's request. To do so, however, was considered unsound given that under WTO rules governing the settlement of trade disputes it would have allowed the EC to bring economic sanctions against Canada.
Legislative Change
Industry Canada, Health Canada and DFAIT also considered implementing the recommendations of the Panel by repealing subsection 55.2(2) of the Patent Act. However, in view of the fact that implementation of the Panel's recommendation could be achieved either by regulatory or statutory repeal, the relative complexity and length of the legislative process militated towards implementation by regulation.
Benefits and Costs
By repealing the Manufacturing and Storage of Patented Medicines Regulations these Regulations bring the protection provided by Canada's Patent Act into conformity with its international obligations under TRIPS. As a result, Canada will avoid the operation of Article 22 of the WTO Dispute Settlement Understanding (DSU), which calls for the payment of compensation or the suspension of concessions in the event a member of the WTO fails to implement a Panel's recommendations.
The nature of the generic drug industry is such that effective market penetration for a generic product is in large measure dependent on its being listed as interchangeable with the brand-name equivalent on provincial drug formularies. In most provinces, there is typically a lag time of several months between the date a generic drug manufacturer obtains Health Canada's regulatory approval for a drug and the date the drug becomes listed as an interchangeable product. Given that generic drug manufacturers have expressed confidence in their ability to generate industrial scale production levels in a very short space of time, the loss of the ability to stockpile patented drugs within the six months preceding patent expiry is not expected to have significant economic consequences. Nor is the loss of stockpiling expected to impact significantly upon Canadian consumers' access to generic drugs.
The Government has maintained an ongoing dialogue with industry stakeholders throughout the proceedings before the WTO. In the context of doing so, an invitation was extended to stakeholders to participate in the formulation of Canada's defence submissions. This invitation was accepted by the Canadian Drug Manufacturers Association (CDMA), an industry association representing generic drug manufacturers. Consultations were also held with the Provinces, to ensure that provincial officials were kept abreast of all material developments relating to the implementation of the Panel's recommendations.
The proposed repealing Regulations and an accompanying Regulatory Impact Analysis Statement (RIAS) were pre-published in the Canada Gazette, Part I on August 5, 2000. A 30-day consultation period followed, during which interested parties were invited to make representations.
Canada's Research Based Pharmaceutical Companies (Rx&D) expressed approval with the proposed Regulations and noted that in repealing the Manufacturing and Storage of Patented Medicines Regulations Canada was fulfilling its international obligations under TRIPS.
The CDMA expressed concern over the absence of a transitional provision in the proposed Regulations. In the CDMA's view, the proposed Regulations create "ambiguities" in the law with the result that a generic manufacturer could become liable in infringement for manufacturing stockpiles prior to the date of repeal of the Manufacturing and Storage of Patented Medicines Regulations but before the date of patent expiry. The CDMA therefore requested that the Regulations be clarified to specifically provide that acts performed in reliance on what the law was do not "become infringing by retroactive effect".
Paragraph 43(c) of the federal Interpretation Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. I-21, provides that the repeal of an enactment does not affect rights accrued under that enactment. This is a codification of a longstanding rule of construction under the Common Law which presumes, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, that the legislator, for reasons of fairness, does not intend to interfere with vested rights. While the proposed repealing Regulations do not contain any ambiguous language which would tend to rebut the presumption of non-interference with vested rights, for greater certainty and in keeping with the Government's original intent in the matter, the Regulations have been revised to include a provision of the kind requested by the CDMA. Section 2 of the Regulations in their final form thus explicitly protects from infringement liability the manufacturing of stockpiles of patented medicines done in conformity with the Manufacturing and Storage of Patented Medicines Regulations prior to the date of their repeal. Any manufacturing of stockpiles of patented medicines after the date of repeal of the Manufacturing and Storage of Patented Medicines Regulations will of course not be protected by this provision.
In addition to its concerns with the wording of the proposed Regulations, the CDMA also took issue with certain portions of the RIAS, as published in the Canada Gazette, Part I. Specifically, the CDMA disagreed with the Government's assessment of the anticipated impact the repeal of the Manufacturing and Storage of Patented Medicines Regulations will have on generic drug manufacturers and on Canadian consumers. The CDMA asserts that the loss of stockpiling will, in certain circumstances, lead to the delay onto market of generic drugs.
Compliance and Enforcement
In determining the "reasonable period of time" for implementation of the Panel's recommendations, Canada and the EC were unable to come to terms and the matter was therefore decided through binding arbitration. On August 18, 2000, the arbitrator ruled that under the circumstances a reasonable period of time was six months from the date the Panel's report was adopted by the DSB, on April 7, 2000. As a result, if Canada is to respect the arbitrator's deadline it has until October 7, 2000, to repeal the Manufacturing and Storage of Patented Medicines Regulations. Section 3 has thus been added to the Regulations in order to provide for a coming-into-force date of October 7, 2000.
Patent rights are private rights which, when not respected, are enforceable through civil proceedings brought by the rights holder against the infringer. Accordingly, drug manufacturers who fail to comply with these Regulations repealing the Manufacturing and Storage of Patented Medicines Regulations run the risk of infringement liability.
Serge Dupont, Director General, Corporate Governance Branch, Industry Canada, 5th Floor, West Tower, 235 Queen Street, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0H5. Telephone: (613) 952-0736, FAX: (613) 941-8151.
Part IX (Administrative Mechanisms) of the Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs) and the Order Repealing Certain Orders Made Under the Aeronautics Act and the Air Regulations contain the list of regulations and Orders being repealed with the coming into force of the CARs. The Canadian Aviation Regulations replace the listed regulations and Orders.
Alternatives Considered
No alternatives were considered since this legislation is administrative in nature.
Benefits and Costs
There are no economic implications to Part IX or to the Order Repealing Certain Orders Made Under the Aeronautics Act.
Part IX (Administrative Mechanisms) and the Order Repealing Certain Orders Made Under the Aeronautics Act have not been prepublished in Canada Gazette, Part I and no consultation has taken place with respect to this legislation. The remaining Parts I through VIII of the CARs have been extensively consulted through the Canadian Aviation Regulation Advisory Council (CARAC) process. Details of the consultation for each Part can be found in the Regulatory Impact Analysis Statement which accompanies Canada Gazette, Part II publication of each Part of the CARs.
Manager, CARAC Secretariat, AARBH, Transport Canada Safety and Security, Place de Ville, Tower "C", Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0N8 Tel: General inquiries: (613) 993-7284 or 1?800-305-2059; Fax: (613) 990-1198. Internet address:
(This statement is not part of the Regulations.)
These proposed Regulations Amending the Canadian Aviation Regulations (Part VI - General Operating and Flight Rules) include changes to Canadian Aviation Regulation (CAR) 605.33 (Flight Data Recorder and Cockpit Voice Recorder Requirements) and the associated Standard. Upon introduction of the CARs in October 1996, CAR 605.33 expanded the requirements for Flight Data Recorders (FDRs) and Cockpit Voice Recorders (CVRs) which had been in force under pre-CARs regulations. Because of the increased coverage, this regulation was promulgated with a delayed implementation date. For certain aircraft operated under Part VII (Commercial Air Services), the implementation date for the requirements of 605.33 did not occur until February 28, 1997. For other aircraft affected by this requirement but not operated in a commercial service, the implementation date was July 31, 1997. Because of the delays in implementation and of the different implementation dates for different operations, the wording of CAR 605.33 was such as to ensure that, until the implementation dates had passed, there was no regulatory gap and regulations which pre-dated the CARs continued to apply to the relevant aircraft. The complexity needed to ensure pre-CARs regulations were in effect until the delayed implementation dates and, after those dates, the new regulations applied to the intended aircraft created sufficient ambiguity to make interpretation of this regulation difficult. The implementation dates have now passed and the proposed amendment is intended to clarify the application of this regulation.
Since this is a proposed amendment to an existing regulation, no alternatives to regulatory action are available to simplify and clarify the wording of CAR 605.33.
Benefits and Costs
The proposed changes in CAR 605.33 and its associated Standard will neither extend requirements to carry an FDR and a CVR to any Canadian aircraft which is currently exempt from such requirements nor will they exclude from these requirements any Canadian aircraft which is, at present, required to carry this equipment. They will improve the industry's ability to comply with these regulations by removing the complexities in the current regulation. Their benefit-cost impact will be essentially neutral.
The members of the General Operating and Flight Rules (GO&FR) and of the Commercial Air Service Operations (CASO) Technical Committees were consulted with respect to these proposed amendments to the regulations. The actively participating members of these two Technical Committees include the Advisory Committee on Accessible Transportation, the Aerospace Industries Association of Canada, Air B.C., Air Canada, Air Canada Pilots Association, Air Line Pilots Association, Air Operations Group Association, Air Transport Association of Canada,, Canadian Air Line Dispatchers' Association, Canadian Airlines International Ltd., Canadian Association of Professional Radio Operators, Canadian Auto Workers, Canadian Balloon Association, Canadian Business Aircraft Association, Canadian Labour Congress, Canadian Owners and Pilots Association, Canadian Union of Public Employees, Canadian Air Traffic Controllers Association, Experimental Aircraft Association - Canadian Council, Hang Gliding and Paragliding Association of Canada, Helicopter Association of Canada, International Council of Air Shows, Parks Canada, Recreational Aircraft Association of Canada, Soaring Association of Canada, and the Teamsters. The members of the CASO Technical Committee recommended the implementation of these proposed amendments at a meeting in June 1997 and the members of the GO&FR Technical Committee recommended their implementation at a meeting in October 1997.
Compliance and Enforcement
These regulations will generally be enforced through the assessment of monetary penalties imposed under sections 7.6 to 8.2 of the Aeronautics Act or through suspension or cancellation of a Canadian aviation document.
Chief, Regulatory Affairs, AARBH, Transport Canada Safety and Security, Place de Ville, Tower "C", Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0N8 Telephone: General inquiries: (613) 993-7284 or 1-800-305-2059; Fax: (613) 990-1198. Internet address: www.tc.gc.ca.
補助資料2 "statutory instrument(委任立法)"の定義
(Statutory Instrument Actより)
(a) Statutory instrument means any rule, order, regulation, ordinance, direction, form, tariff of costs or fees, letters patent, commission, warrant, proclamation, by-law, resolution or other instrument issued, made or established
(i) in the execution of a power conferred by or under an Act of Parliament, by or under which that instrument is expressly authorized to be issued, made or established otherwise than by the conferring on any person or body of powers or functions in relation to a matter to which that instrument relates, or
(ii) by or under the authority of the Governor in Council, otherwise than in the execution of a power conferred by or under an Act of Parliament,
but(b) does not include
(i) any instrument referred to in paragraph (a) and issued, made or established by a corporation incorporated by or under an Act of Parliament unless
(A) the instrument is a regulation and the corporation by which it is made is one that is ultimately accountable, through a Minister, to Parliament for the conduct of its affairs,
or(B) the instrument is one for the contravention of which a penalty, fine or imprisonment is prescribed by or under an Act of Parliament,
(ii) any instrument referred to in paragraph (a) and issued, made or established by a judicial or quasi-judicial body, unless the instrument is a rule, order or regulation governing the practice or procedure in proceedings before a judicial or quasi-judicial body established by or under an Act of Parliament,
(iii) any instrument referred to in paragraph (a) and in respect of which, or in respect of the production or other disclosure of which, any privilege exists by law or whose contents are limited to advice or information intended only for use or assistance in the making of a decision or the determination of policy, or in the ascertainment of any matter necessarily incidental thereto, or
(iv) an ordinance of the Yukon Territory or the Northwest Territories, a law made by the Legislature for Nunavut, a rule made by the Legislative Assembly of Nunavut under section 21 of the Nunavut Act or any instrument issued, made or established under any such ordinance, law or rule.
Determination of whether certain instruments are regulations
(2) In applying the definition "regulation" in subsection (1) for the purpose of determining whether an instrument described in subparagraph (b)(i) of the definition "statutory instrument" in that subsection is a regulation, that instrument shall be deemed to be a statutory instrument, and any instrument accordingly determined to be a regulation shall be deemed to be a regulation for all purposes of this Act.