観光地以外の、その国の本当の生活を発見するのが好き|ゲストの体験談 #4
こんにちは。NAGOMI VISITです。「世界中の旅人と食卓を囲むホームビジット」に参加したゲストの体験談をシェアします。
Describe your host?
My host is a very kind, helpful and nice lady. She is a bakery teacher so she has a natural passion for cooking, in fact we cooked something together for the dinner and it was very funny. She loves to travel a lot and see the world, and this makes her a curious person with many things to tell and with which it is nice to have a real cultural exchange.
What did you talk about during your Nagomi Visit?
During the dinner we talked about several things: Japanese and Italian cuisine, her job and her sons, the countries that she visited in Europe and our journey in Japan. There were also some curiosities about Japanese and Italian habits.
Did you make any new discoveries?
We tasted the real mochi! We also learned about the Japanese school system.
What did you eat?
Hosomaki, cold soba, corn and edamame tempura, an appetizer with eggplant (I don't remember the name), mochi dessert and matcha tea.
If you participated with others, what were their thoughts about the Nagomi Visit?
My husband is excited about Nagomi Visit, he liked it and it is an experience he would like to do again.
What was your most memorable moment?
It was fun to shoot some polaroids together.
Do you still keep in touch with your host?
when she comes to Italy we will be happy to have her as our guest and she will also be happy to meet us again when we will return to Japan.
Why did you go on a Nagomi Visit?
A friend told me about it and it made me very curious. I like to meet new people and discover the true life of a country beyond the tourist sites.
「世界中の旅人と食卓を囲むホームビジット」を運営する私たちNPO法人NAGOMI VISITは、「すべての人がグローバル市民として暮らす日本社会」を目指しています。詳しくはこちらのページでご覧いただけます。
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