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英検1級語彙問題の解説 (2023年第3回の本番の問題)
 土曜Foreign Affairs勉強会(外交雑誌、無料、ZOOM、土曜20-22時、3年目)の共同幹事

   → 折り返し、講義資料を送信させてもらいます。
  ・土曜Foreign Affairs勉強会に興味がある方は、ナベまで連絡願います。


(1)  The guest speaker’s (   ) words at the graduation ceremony made the students think more deeply about their future.


→ 卒業式での来賓挨拶の○○な言葉   プラス


1 profound プラス  https://netspeak.org/#q=profound+%3F


2 nonchalant マイナス https://www.tentan.jp/word/nonchalant?wid=37192

3 feeble 弱い

4 superfluous 余分な


●profound: 心のそこからの(felt or experienced very strongly or in an extreme way)



●nonchalant: 無関心な(behaving in a calm manner, often in a way that suggests you are not

interested or do not care) フランス語



●feeble弱い(weak and without energy, strength, or power)



●superfluous 余分な、必要以上の (more than is needed or wanted)



Ø  Have a profound effect/influence/impact on(~に大きな影響を及ぼす)

Ø  A profound sense of guilt(強い罪悪感)

Ø  ‘Has he got a girlfriend?’ Jill asked, trying to sound nonchalant.(無関心を装う)

Ø  Once on a safari Charles found 14 female lions walking nonchalantly across an open field.(無関心そうに歩く)

Ø  He’s pretty feeble, and has to use a cane to get around.(非常に身体が弱っている)

Ø  A feeble excuse (説得力の無い言い訳)/ a feeble joke (うけない冗談)

Ø  Our new mayor plans to eliminate superfluous programs.


(2)  Cindy felt her mother (   ) her with too much care. Even though Cindy was 15 years old, her mother insisted on accompanying her everywhere she went.


→ お母さんが過保護らしい


1 nibbled かじるは違う

2 vetoed 拒否権は関係ない

3 smothered 窒息死させる、 これかな? 消去法で選択


4 rummaged  くまなく探す



●nibble少しずつかじって食べる(eat something by taking a lot of small bites)


 関連表現:nibbles and drinks (おつまみと飲み物)/nibble away at (~を少しずつ減らす)


●veto拒否権を行使する(refuse to allow something to be done)



●smother: ①窒息死させる ②〔人に愛情を注ぎすぎて〕息苦しい思いをさせる(protect a child too much)



●rummage: くまなく探す(search for something that is difficult to find among other things)




Ø  a rabbit nibbling on a carrot (人参をかじるウサギ)

Ø  The US vetoed the draft UN Security Council resolution(米国は安保理決議案に拒否権を行使した)

Ø  She was accused of smothering the baby.(窒息させる)

Ø  His mother had always smothered him.(過保護にする)

Ø  She rummaged through the drawer, looking for a pen.(引き出しの中をくまなく探す)






(3) The country’s former president was imprisoned for his role in a political rival’s murder. “Let this show that no one can break the law with (   ),” the new president said.

→ 誰も、法律を破ることはできない。法律に関係するのは?


1 impunity ←withと相性がよいので、これが正解


2 consultation 協議は関係ない

3 ransom ←身代金は関係ない


4 propaganda  ←政治関連だが、意味があわない


●impunity 罰を受けないこと(freedom from punishment) 類:immunity(免責)

(罰を受けることなく、法律や規則に違反することができる状態を表します。) be immune to (免疫がある)


●consultation協議( a meeting to discuss something or to get advice)


☆関連表現:a joint consultation (労使協議)


ransom 身代金(a large amount of money that is demanded in exchange for someone who has been taken prisoner)



●propaganda プロパガンダ(information, ideas, opinions, or images, often only giving one part of an argument, that are broadcast, published, or in some other way spread with the intention of influencing people's opinions) ☆動詞形:propagandize




Ø  She thought that her money and power gave her the right to ignore the law with impunity.(罰せられること無く)

Ø  We hope to work in consultation with Congress on how the law should be interpreted.(~と協議して)

Ø  They demanded a ransom for the return of the little girl whom they had kidnapped.(~に対する身代金を要求する)

Ø  Critics called the book a blatant piece of propaganda.


(4) The couple questioned their child about the missing money, but he was (   ) that he had not taken it. (疑いような意味合いで質問する)


→ なくなったお金に関して、子供たちは、自分たちではないと○○する?


1 adamant ←頑固な、thatと相性がよい、これが正解



2 whimsical ← きまぐれな、では文脈にあわない

3 indulgent ← 寛大な

4 articulate  ← 明確にする、これも候補? でも、thatを使うのか?





●adamant 頑固な(impossible to persuade, or unwilling to change an opinion or decision)



●whimsical 気まぐれな(unusual and strange in a way that might be funny or annoying)

(突拍子もなくおかしなやり方や考え方を指すし、人や物事が非論理的であり、突然かわいらしい動きや考え方を示すときに使われます。whimsicalなアートやデザインは、独創性や遊び心が感じられることが特徴です。予測不可能で退屈しない、面白さや魅力を持つことを表現しています)  ☆重要表見:on a whim(思いつきで)


●indulgent 寛大な、甘やかす(allowing someone to have or do what they want, especially when this is not good for them)




(例文)When I get my first paycheck I’m going to indulge in a shopping spree.

(例文)He was well-known for his indulgence in drink and gambling.

(豆知識)カトリックの「免罪符(贖罪状)」はラテン語でindulgentia、英語でan indulgence

→その後、中世ヨーロッパでは宗教改革(the Reformation)が起こり、プロテスタント(Protestantism)が誕生。


●articulate はきはきと話す(able to express thoughts and feelings easily and clearly, or showing this quality)  ☆動詞も同じ形(articulate)だが、発音に注意、反意語(形容詞)はinarticulate




Ø  She was adamant about becoming a dancer. (類:intransigent)

Ø  Unfortunately, his decisions are often whimsical. (類:capricious, on a whim)

Ø  He had been a strict father but was indulgent towards his grandchildren.(~を甘やかす)

Ø  She gave a witty, entertaining, and articulate speech.





(5) The value of the company’s shares (   ) after the firm failed to make a profit for the third year in a row. Experts think it may take years for the stock price to recover.


→ 3年連続で赤字であり、会社の株価(株式の価値)が〇〇となった、マイナス系


1 plummeted ←急落する、自動詞、これが正解  (反対語は? surge, skyrocket)



2 amputated ←(手足などを)切断する

3 acquiesced ←認める系、toと相性がよい 


4 stammered  ←つまずく系、stammerの類語も




●plummet:〔価値・価格などが〕急落する (fall very quickly and suddenly)



●amputate:〔手足の一部を〕切断する(cut off a part of the body)


☆関連表現: an amputee (切断手術を受けた人)、prosthetics(義足などの人工装具)


●acquiesce:黙諾する(accept or agree to something, often unwillingly)


☆名詞のacquiescence (to)も重要。 


●stammer:口ごもる(speak or say something with unusual pauses or repeated sounds, either because of speech problems or because of fear or nervousness )



Ø  House prices have plummeted in recent months.

Ø  Doctors had to amputate his leg below the knee.(足を切断する)

Ø  The bank acquiesced to an extension of the loan.

Ø  Whenever he was angry, he would begin to stammer slightly.




(6) The man became (   ) / soon after losing his job, as he had not saved any money. He was forced to live with friends while he looked for work.


→ 仕事を失って、貯金もない。 その男は無一文になった


1 banal ←平凡でもよさあそうだが、https://youglish.com/pronounce/banal/english

2 destitute ←極貧の、これが正解、類語も覚えたい



3 affluent ←裕福な(反対の意味)

4 inept  ←できない系、be inept at Ving、 類語も


●banal:ありふれた、平凡な(boring, ordinary, and not original)

(日常的であまり新鮮味のないものや、普通のことに対して用いられる) ☆名詞形:banality


●destitute:極貧の(without money, food, a home, or possessions)



●affluent:裕福な、豊富な(having a lot of money or owning a lot of things)



●inept:無能な(not skilled or effective)

(不適切な行動や能力の欠如を指す形容詞。ある分野で不器用であったり、愚かな行動をしたりする様子を表現する際に使用される) ☆名詞形のineptitude(無能さ)も重要


Ø  He just sat there making banal remarks all evening

Ø  The floods left thousands of people destitute. (極貧の人々)

Ø  We live in an affluent neighborhood.

Ø  She found them selfish and demanding and socially inept.(社会的に無能である)






(7) A: The new employee’s English doesn’t seem very good, does it?

B: Perhaps not, but he’s highly (   ) at computer programming. He’s already making a big contribution to the department.


→ どうもプログラミングが得意らしい。


1 adept ←できる系、熟練した、atとも相性がよい、これが正解

2 defunct ←現存しない、機能していない、 deがネガティブ

3 torrential ←急流の 動画や画像で覚える


4 existential  ←存在する



●adept熟練した(having a natural ability to do something that needs skill)



●defunct 機能していない(no longer existing, living, or working correctly)



●torrential:急流の、土砂降りの(used to refer to very heavy rain)



●existential 存在に関する (relating to existence or being alive)


☆関連表現:existential crisis実存的危機):心理学や心理療法において、人生に意味がないのではないか、あるいは自分自身のアイデンティティに混乱が覚える内的葛藤のこと。


Ø  She's very adept at dealing with the media. (~の扱いに慣れている)

Ø  He was a reporter for the defunct New York Herald newspaper.

Ø  He spent many nights sleeping in an open orchard in torrential rain until he located a small cave.(豪雨)

Ø  The biggest existential threat to humans is probably still nuclear war.(人間の存亡を脅かす危機)




(8) Last year’s fire (   ) more than 30,000 acres of forest. Ecologists say it will take decades for the area to recover.

→ 火事で、広い範囲の森林を○○した

1 scrutinized ←調べる系、類語も


2 decimated ←殺す系、一旦、保留。実は間引く。 消去法で正解


3 forged ←いろんな意味あり、英作文でも使いたい


4 bolstered  ←強化する系



●scrutinize注意深く調べる(examine something very carefully in order to discover information)


 ☆名詞形のscrutinyも頻出単語(例:The figures are likely to come under close scrutiny.)


●decimate多くを殺す(kill a large number of something, or to reduce something severely)



●forge①(金属を)鋳造する、②(関係を)構築する ③偽造する ☆元々は「鍛治場」の意味



●bolsterを支える(support or improve something or make it stronger)




Ø  All new products are scrutinized by the laboratory.

Ø  Overfishing has decimated the cod population.

Ø  He taught them to forge iron swords and spears.(鍛冶職人が刀の槍をハンマーで叩いて作る)

Ø  In 1776 the United States forged an alliance with France.(~と同盟関係を構築する)

Ø  a forged passport(偽装パスポート)

Ø  The UN is sending more troops to bolster the peacekeepers.


(9) Customs officers (   ) an illegal drug shipment last week. The drugs will be stored for use as evidence before being destroyed.


→ 不正な麻薬取引を○○する。 ちなみにcustomsは税関


1 improvised ←即興する、副詞もよくみる

2 instigated ←駆り立てる、urgeと類似

3 insinuated ←ほのめかす

4 intercepted  ←つかまえる系、スポーツのインターセプト、これが正解


●improvise: 即興でする(invent or make something, such as a speech or a device, at the time when it is needed without already having planned it)


関連表現:off the cuff (ぶっつけ本番で)、extemporaneous(即興の)、off the top of my head(思いつきで)、wing it(アドリブでやる)


●instigate: 駆り立てる、扇動する(cause an event or situation to happen by your actions)



●insinuate〔不愉快なことを〕ほのめかす(suggest, without being direct, that something unpleasant is true)



●intercept途中で捕まえる(stop and catch something or someone before that thing or person is able to reach a particular place)


 ☆関連表現: an interceptor(迎撃機)


Ø  I hadn't prepared a speech so I suddenly had to improvise.

Ø  The revolt in the north is believed to have been instigated by a high-ranking general.

Ø  She insinuated (that) I’m getting fat.

Ø  Law enforcement agents intercepted a shipment of drugs from Central America.



(10) The city subways have been badly damaged by (   ). Broken windows, graffiti, and scratched paint are common sights in subway cars.


→ どうも、都市の地下鉄が、○○によって壊されたらしい


1 vandalism ←破壊行為であり、これが正解

2 perjury ←偽証罪(法律)

3 discernment ←識別力。動詞と形容詞も大事

4 indemnity  ←賠償金(保険用語) 類語も覚えたい



●vandalism 器物損壊(the crime of intentionally damaging property belonging to other people)




●perjury 偽証罪(the crime of telling lies in court when you have promised to tell the truth)



●discernment 識別力 (the ability to judge people and things well)


☆関連表現:discern A from B (AとBを識別する)、discerning(優れた洞察力を持った)も頻出表現


●indemnity 〔損害・損失などに対する〕賠償金(protection against possible damage or loss, esp. a promise of payment, or the money paid if there is such damage or loss)


☆関連表現: indemnify 人 against/for/from (法的損害に対し(人に)賠償・補償金を支払う)

        be entitled to indemnification for (~に対して保証・賠償を受ける権利を有する)


Ø  These schools are known to be vulnerable to vandalism.

Ø  She was sentenced to two years in jail for committing perjury.(偽証罪を犯す)

Ø  It's clear that you are a person of discernment. (優れた識別力を持つ人)

Ø  his insurance provides indemnity against legal costs and damages.(~に対する損害賠償を払う)


(11) Young people in some countries face (   ) into the military. Under the law, they must serve for a certain period of time.


→ 若者が、軍隊といえば


1 elation ←大喜び   動詞も

2 inhibition ←抑制する 動詞も

3 conscription ←徴兵制であり、これが正解

4 recitation  ←朗読、暗唱、 recital(講演会)


●elation上機嫌(a state of extreme happiness or excitement)

(とても嬉しい状態や喜びを表す。例えば、大きな成功を収めた時や素晴らしい出来事があった時に感じる感情を表現する時によく使用される) ☆動詞のelateや形容詞のelatedも頻出表現。


●inhibition抑制(a feeling of embarrassment or worry that prevents you from saying or doing what you want)




●conscription徴兵制(the act or process of forcing people by law to join the armed services)

 ☆動詞はconscript (例:He was conscripted into the army at the age of 18)

 ☆名詞は徴集兵の意味(Over half the army was composed of conscripts.)


●recitation朗読、暗唱(saying a piece of writing aloud from memory)

(特定の文章や詩、文章などを声に出して読むことを指す。演技や朗読を通じてテキストを表現する行為もrecitationと言う) ☆動詞形はrecite, その他recital (音楽などの発表会、朗読会)。


Ø  There's a sense of elation at having completed a race of such length.(高揚感)

Ø  After a couple of drinks he lost his inhibition and started talking and laughing loudly.(自制心を失う)

Ø  The United States abolished conscription in 1973.

Ø  He gave a beautiful recitation of some poems by Blake




(12) Although the book was over 200 years old, it was in almost (   ) condition and therefore extremely valuable.


→ 保管条件が非常に良さそう。


1 viable  ←実行可能な

2 climatic ←気候の

3 residual ←残っている

4 pristine  ←新品同様の、コロケーションでこれが正解、あるいはmint





●viable 実行可能な(able to work as intended or able to succeed)



●climatic 気候に関する(relating to general weather conditions)

☆関連表現として名詞形のclimate(気候)は「情勢」の意味で良く登場する。例えばpolitical climate(政治情勢)、economic climate(経済情勢)、business climate(ビジネス情勢)がある。

ちなみに国際問題としての「気候変動」はclimate change、個々の気候変動はclimatic changesなどと区別される模様。


●residual 残っている(remaining after most of something has gone)

(何らかの変化や処理をした後の、残った部分や残りの要素を指す) ☆名詞形はresidue


●pristine 新本同様の、汚れていない(new or almost new, and in very good condition)

(何かが新しくて手つかずの状態であることを表す言葉として使われ、清潔で美しい状態や、未使用で新しい状態を表現する際に使われる(例:in pristine condition)) ☆類語:in mint condition


Ø  The company had to seek other ways to remain viable.

Ø  Some parts of the world seem to be experiencing climatic changes.

Ø  The scanner checks travel documents for residual traces of explosives.

Ø  The car seemed to be in pristine condition. (新品同様の状態)




(13) The man kept gambling at the casino until late into the night, trying to (   ) the losses he had suffered earlier in the day.


→ カジノで負け込み、挽回したい


1 recoup ←取り戻す系

2 remit  ←送金、remittance

3 squander  ←無駄に消費する

4 throttle  ←絞め殺す、調整する(エンジン)、妨げる



●recoup: 〔損失・費用などを〕取り戻す(get back money that you have spent or lost)



●remit: 金を電信・為替などで送る(send money to someone)



●squander:(時間・金)を浪費する(waste large amounts of money or other resources)

☆類語:fritter away, Money burns a hole in one’s pocket.


●throttle:①喉を絞めて殺す(try to kill someone by pressing the throat so that the person cannot breathe)②~を妨げる(prevent something from succeeding)

 ☆関連表現:throttle back (スロットルを調整してエンジン出力を)落とす

  (例文:The pilot throttled back (the engines) as he came in to land.)

At full throttle:(エンジンのバルブが)全開で

  (例文:She was roaring up the freeway at full throttle.)


Ø  It takes a while to recoup the initial costs of starting up a business.

Ø  He worked as a builder in Chicago and remitted half his monthly wage to his family in the Philippines.

Ø  Government should not squander the taxpayers’ money.

Ø  I’m so mad I could throttle him.

Ø  The reduction in funds is throttling the development of new programs.



(14) The navy sailors refused to follow their captain’s orders and staged a (   ) to overthrow him. As a result, they were put on trial and sentenced to many years in prison.                         裁判    刑を受ける


1 mutiny ←反乱であり、これが正解、 stage(計画して実行する)とも相性がよい


2 calamity ←災難

3 trajectory ←軌道、これも画像で覚えたい


4 litany  ←長いリスト




●mutiny 反乱(an occasion when a group of people, especially soldiers or sailors, refuses to obey orders and/or attempts to take control from people in authority)

(軍隊や船員が指揮官に対して反抗的な行動を取ることを指す) ☆形容詞形:mutinous

●calamity 災難(a serious accident or bad event causing damage or suffering)

(大きな災害や悲劇的な出来事。具体的には、自然災害や戦争、人間の過失などによる深刻な問題や災難を表現する際に使用される。例えば、地震や洪水、テロ攻撃など) 形容詞形:calamitous


●trajectory 軌道(the curved path that an object follows after it has been thrown or shot into the air)

(ボールが投げられた時の軌道や、プロジェクトが進んでいく過程など、物や事象の動きや進行について理解する際に使用される。trajectory of lifeなら「人生の軌跡」と訳される)


 例:lofted trajectory :ロフテッド軌道(高角度で打ち上げるミサイル発射方法)


●litany (of) うんざりするほどの~(a long list of unpleasant things, especially things that are repeated)



Ø  Soldiers crushed mutinies in three jails.

Ø  The factory closings were a calamity for the whole city.

Ø  The decision was certain to affect the trajectory of French politics for some time to come.

Ø  The manufacturers are reported to have received a litany of complaints from dissatisfied customers.

(15) The little girls pretended to be princesses hosting a tea party, placing their toy teacups (   ) on the table to serve their imaginary guests.


→ プリンセスのように振舞うと関連するのは?


1 tolerably ←耐えられるような

2 vigorously ←精力的な

3 rabidly ←急速な

4 daintily ←優美に、これが正解


●tolerably 耐えられる程度に(to a limited degree or quite)

  関連表現:tolerate(耐える), tolerable(耐えられる), intolerable(耐えられない)


●vigorously 元気に (n a way that is very forceful or energetic)


●rabidly 熱狂的に(in an extreme and unreasonable way)



●daintily 優美に・上品に(in an attractive, careful way, especially used about something small or having small movements:





Ø  The play is tolerably amusing, but it is let down by the actors' weak performances.

Ø  Environmentalists and local government officials have vigorously opposed the project.

Ø  He rabidly opposes feminism.

Ø  She skipped daintily down the street, holding her father's hand.




(16) A: I’m excited to choose my outfit for the party on Saturday.

B: Isn’t that a bit (   )? We haven’t even been invited yet!


1 cumbersome ←面倒な

2 overwrought ←興奮すぎの(知らなかった)


3 presumptuous ←厚かましいで、これが正解

4 squeamish  ←吐き気を感じる、神経質な



●cumbersome 扱い[運び]にくい、面倒な(difficult to do or manage and taking a lot of time and effort)




〔神経が〕張り詰めた(in a state of being upset, nervous, and worried)



●presumptuous 出しゃばった、厚かましいrude because of doing something although you know you do not have a right to do it:)



●squeamish すぐにびっくりする(easily upset or shocked by things that you find unpleasant or that you do not approve of)



Ø  Critics say that the process for amending the Constitution is cumbersome, but others defend it.

Ø  She was so tired and overwrought that she burst into tears.

Ø  It would be presumptuous of me to comment on the matter.

Ø  She's really squeamish and can't stand the sight of blood.




(17) The three-hour flight delay (   ) passengers, who took to social media to complain about the airline.


→ 3時間のフライト遅れが、乗客をどうした?


1 immolated ←焼き殺す

2 sanctioned ←認可する、制裁

3 exasperated  ←憤慨させる

4 protracted  ←延長する


●immolate 焼き殺す(to kill yourself or someone else, or to destroy something, usually by burning, in a formal ceremony)

(特に宗教的な目的で自らを犠牲にすることを意味する) ☆関連表現:self-immolation 焼身自殺(チベット)


●sanction認可する(formally give permission for something)/②制裁措置をとる(punish someone for something, especially officially)

 ☆関連表現:impose (economic) sanctions on (~に(経済)制裁を加える)

        lift (economic) sanctions on (~に対する(経済)制裁を解除する)

●exasperate 憤慨させる(cause anger or extreme annoyance in someone)


●protract 延長する(make something last for a long time or last longer than necessary)


Ø  The Buddhist monk immolated himself(焼身自殺する)

Ø  The government was reluctant to sanction intervention in the crisis(認可する).

Ø  Prospective jurors can be sanctioned for attempting to avoid jury duty【制裁(罰)を受ける】.

Ø  His assistant’s carelessness is exasperating him.

Ø  They tried to protract the discussion.







(18) The artist created his sculpture out of a solid block of stone using nothing more than a hammer and a (   ).


→ 彫刻と関係するのは、ハンマーと何?


1 chisel ←のみ、彫刻刀であり、これが正解

2 zephyr ←微風(知らなかった)

3 tort ←不正行為

4 plea  ←嘆願(法律)






●zephyr:(zéfər)微風(a light wind)



●tort不法行為(an action that is wrong but can be dealt with in a civil court rather than a criminal court)

(法律用語。違法行為に対する民事上の訴訟で使用され、一般的には、違法行為や過失による損害賠償訴訟を意味する) ☆形容詞はtortious(不法な)


●plea嘆願、弁解(an urgent and emotional request)



Ø  She chiseled a figure out of the marble(~をのみで彫る).

Ø  So far it has only been a gentle zephyr.

Ø  If the product caused damage to the buyer, then the seller would be open to a claim in tort.(不法行為請求)

Ø  Mr Wilson entered a plea of not guilty.(無罪を主張する)





(19) Michael’s request for a pay raise was (   ) by his boss. She said if he wanted a higher salary, he would have to work a lot harder.


→ どうも、給料アップの申し出が却下されたらしい


1 rebuffed ←拒絶するであり、これが正解

2 converted ←変換された

3 deviated ←逸脱した、デビエーションリスト

4 denoted  ←示された



●rebuff 拒絶する(refuse to accept a helpful suggestion or offer from someone, often by answering in an unfriendly way)



●convert ①変形させる(to (cause something or someone to) change in form or character:)②改宗させる


   ☆関連表現: a convert (改宗者)/conversion(改宗すること)/a voltage converter(変圧器)

             a convertible (オープンカー)


●deviate (from) (~から)逸脱する(to do something that is different from the usual or common way of behaving)



●denote 意味する、示す(to represent something)


Ø  She rebuffed all suggestions that she should resign.

Ø  Could we convert the small bedroom into a second bathroom?

Ø  He never deviated from his strict vegetarian diet.

Ø  The color red is used to denote passion or danger.




(20) The outdoor concert was repeatedly interrupted by (   ) thunderstorms that came and went without warning.


→ 野外コンサートが中断された、その頻度は?


1 apathetic ←無関心な、aが大事

2 jubilant ←喜びに満ちた

3 exultant ←大喜びした (上記2と同意)

4 sporadic  ←散発的な



●apathetic無関心な(showing no interest or energy and unwilling to take action, especially over something important)



●jubilant大喜びの(feeling or expressing great happiness, especially because of a success)



●exultant大喜びの(expressing great pleasure or happiness)

☆動詞はexult (例 They exalted at their victory)、名詞はexultation


●sporadic :散発的な(happening sometimes; not regular or continuous)




Ø  Young people today are so apathetic about politics.

Ø  Jubilant crowds shouted, "It’s liberation day!"

Ø  She was exultantly singing the team anthem.

Ø  More than 100 people have been killed this year in sporadic outbursts of ethnic violence.





(21) It is important for teachers to build (   ) with their students, as having trust and understanding is essential for success in the classroom.


→ 文脈から、生徒と良い関係を気づくのが良いと理解できるので、


1 submission ←提出は関係ない

2 rapport  ←信頼関係であり、これが正解

3 ideology ←思想では文意が成立しない

4 protocol ←手順、プロトコル



☆動詞形はsubmit ①~を提出する②~を服従・屈服させる,③submit (to) (~に)服従・屈服する

 ☆形容詞形はsubmissive (従順な、服従的な)    


●rapport:ラポール(a good understanding of someone and an ability to communicate well with them)(人との円滑な関係やコミュニケーションの取れる能力) 類:rapprochement(親交関係の樹立)



  ☆形容詞はideological。特定のイデオロギーを信じる人をan ideologueという。


●protocol;①外交儀礼(the system of rules and acceptable behaviour used at official ceremonies and occasions:)②議定書(国際条約の一部)

  ☆関連表現:the Kyoto Protocol(京都議定書)、Chief of Protocol(儀典長)

  ☆類語: formalities(手続き)、code of conduct (行動規範)



Ø  No date has yet been set for the submission of applications.(提出)

Ø  They thought the country could be bombed into submission.(服従)

Ø  She has an excellent rapport with her staff.

Ø  The President called for "better relations with countries whose ideologies and social systems are different from ours".

Ø  According to protocol, the new ambassador will present his credentials to the president.



以 上

