
1日2題の英文和訳 【特別編⑫問題】 Oct.31.2024


Yet others thought it* might be nice for travelers to keep in touch with their families or hobbyists to show art or collections to others.  My personal favourites include commenters who wrote they couldn't wait for the device to be available at a reasonable price in their home country, so they can take pictures of the friendly dogs they meet at the park.  Someone suggested the camera needs to be on the front to allow for video calls, which didn't happen in practice until 2003.

☆ 高1レベル 
☆☆ 高1修了レベル(英語の得意な高1生もOK!) 
☆☆☆ 高2修了レベル(英語の得意な高1・高2生もOK!) 
☆☆☆☆ 難関大レベル(チャレンジ問題です)
