1日2題の英文和訳 【問題編】 Oct.12.2024
Just as listening to nostalgic music can transport you back to a specific period of your life, the language you are using in the moment acts as a hook to draw associated memories closer to the surface.
Remembering self* is the part of your conscious mind that gathers, evaluates and organizes the few things your experiencing self* hasn't thrown away.
*remembering self 「記憶する自己」
*experiencing self 「経験する自己」
☆ 高1レベル
☆☆ 高1修了レベル(英語の得意な高1生もOK!)
☆☆☆ 高2修了レベル(英語の得意な高1・高2生もOK!)
☆☆☆☆ 難関大レベル(チャレンジ問題です)