1日2題の英文和訳 【問題編】 Sep.26.2024
Forty-five minutes of exposure to the crab's* blood is enough to reveal endotoxins* from certain bacteria which otherwise avoid detection, and is sensitive enough to isolate a threat the equivalent size of a grain of sand in a swimming pool.
*crab ここでは「カブトガニ」を指す
*endotoxins 「内毒素」
What's revealed is that in many areas of study the only way to keep advancing the frontiers is for scientists to collaborate, not just with each other, but with everyone.
☆ 高1レベル
☆☆ 高1修了レベル(英語の得意な高1生もOK!)
☆☆☆ 高2修了レベル(英語の得意な高1・高2生もOK!)
☆☆☆☆ 難関大レベル(チャレンジ問題です)