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たまにローカルニュースをCNA(シンガポール)とThe Jakarta Post(インドネシア)のアプリで読むので、何か気になるのあったら紹介しようかなと思ってCNAでこの記事をピックアップ。でもNY timesからの転載だった。。NY timesの方は購読しないと読めないから無料で助かる。インドネシアのニュースは日本で報道される事が少ないので、これか、Twitterで現地にいる人のつぶやきから情報収集したりします。
人工知能が発達した未来では、スマートフォンにこんなことを伝えれば、バケーションが始まるかもしれません: 「ポイントを使って、航空券とホテル代が一番お得な6月にロサンゼルスへ4日間旅行したい。歴史博物館と遊園地を巡り、ホテル近くのビーガン対応でワインリストの充実したレストランで19時にディナーを予約したい」。そうすると、あなたの携帯電話が完璧な旅程を吐き出してくれるのです。
業界では、ChatGPTのようなシステムが改善されると、旅行代理店が廃業してしまうのではないかと心配する声もある、とフロリダ州ジャクソンビルで8000人のアドバイザーをネットワークに持つアウトサイドエージェントの共同社長、チャド・バート氏は語る。しかし、彼は、"旅行代理店の終焉が迫っていることは常に予測されており、新しい技術はそれぞれ利用すべきツールである "と述べた。
例えば、旅行者が「欲しい」と言うものと「本当に欲しいもの」を見分けることができるのは人間だけだと彼は説明する。ソフトウエアは「7、8割の出来栄えですが、私たちはCランクを目指しているわけではありません」 とのこと。
世界最大級のオンライン旅行会社であるExpediaは、何年も前からAIを使用して、おすすめの商品をパーソナライズしたり、オンラインのバーチャルアドバイザーをプログラムしたりしてきましたが、ChatGPTは「重要な新しいステップ」だと、Expedia CEOのPeter Kern氏は述べています。
一連の独立系ホテルに宿泊するとロイヤルティポイントを付与するStash Hotels Rewards社のCEO、Jeff Low氏は、ChatGPTのような新しいAIが宿泊業界に与える影響について心配している。人工知能の一つの約束が、ルーチンワークを自動化し、労働者がゲストと個人的につながることができるようにすることだとすれば、「現実は違う」とロウは言う。例えば、自動チェックインが普及した際にフロントスタッフを削減するなど、AIが導入された際にホテルは雇用を削減する傾向が強いと、彼は言います。
しかし、潜在的な問題はあるにせよ、AIが搭載された未来は旅行者にとって有益なものになる可能性があります: ChatGPTやその他の生成システムが最新の情報にアクセスできるようになれば、あるプランが突然変更されても、自動的に他のプランに波及する可能性があると、コーネル大学ノーラン校ホテル経営学部のチェキタン・デヴ教授は述べています。
ジュリア・ウィード著 © The New York Times Company
この記事はThe New York Timesに掲載されたものです。
ソースはこちら ニューヨーク・タイムズ/ih
Can ChatGPT plan your vacation? Here’s what to know about AI and travel
The powerful new headline-making artificial intelligence software is already shaking up the travel industry, but it has a long way to go until it can plan a seamless dream destination holiday with all the right details. At least, for now.
25 Mar 2023
One day soon, in the artificial-intelligence-powered future, a vacation might start by telling your smartphone something like this: “I want to take a four-day trip to Los Angeles in June, whenever airfares and hotel rates are best, using loyalty rewards points. I want to hit a history museum and an amusement park, and then I’d like a 7pm dinner reservation near the hotel at a restaurant with vegan options and a great wine list.” And your phone spits out the perfect itinerary.
But for now, travellers using ChatGPT – the powerful new AI software that is already offering creative cocktail recipes and writing college papers – may have to temper their expectations.
Oded Battat, general manager at Traveland, a travel agency in Bridgeport, Connecticut, asked ChatGPT for outings he might offer his clients going to Tuscany, Italy, to see if it could help him with his work. He got a list of 14 activities, including winery tours and museum visits, with a stop for gelato in the town square of the medieval hill town San Gimignano.
“I knew of all these things,” Battat said, but he added that ChatGPT saved him the hassle of collecting all the information and delivered it in a format he was able to email to one of the clients.
ChatGPT, the service Battat has begun using, burst onto the scene in November, and it has already begun to shake up tech-driven industries, including travel.
Unlike the AI that’s already familiar to most consumers – think website chatbots – ChatGPT is “generative,” meaning it can analyse or summarise content from a huge set of information, including webpages, books and other writing available on the internet, and use that data to create original new content. Its advanced natural language capabilities also mean it understands and responds in a more conversational way.
The travel industry may never be the same. Already, travellers can “converse” with the system, sharing information like a destination, time of year and interests, and getting back a personalised itinerary festooned with vivid descriptions.
A reporter’s recent request for a two-day itinerary to Whistler, British Columbia, yielded ideas like snowshoeing with a guide who will point out the local flora and fauna and taking a dog-sledge ride “with a team of beautiful huskies” for a winter trip. Given additional parameters, ChatGPT will update its suggestions, so adding a preference for Thai food to the Whistler conversation prompted the system to give new restaurant suggestions.
The software doesn’t always know the difference between reliable and unreliable information on the internet, so it can offer answers that are untrue.
But ChatGPT does have limitations. First, its information base currently does not go beyond 2021, and it does not have access to important travel-related data that can change from moment to moment, like airline schedules and weather forecasts.
New versions are being developed, including a major upgrade released this week, and are expected to keep improving. Also, the software doesn’t always know the difference between reliable and unreliable information on the internet, so it can offer answers that are untrue. ChatGPT’s maker, OpenAI, also warns that the software may occasionally produce “biased content”.
Anyone can use the software, which is free and accessible via the OpenAI website. Tourist bureaus can ask ChatGPT to write marketing copy describing must-see sites, and travel advisers can use it to compose emails to their clients and create social media posts. Airline, hotel and rental car companies could use it to help their virtual agents answer a wider variety of questions.
Some in the industry worry that as systems like ChatGPT improve, they might put travel advisers out of business, said Chad Burt, a co-president of OutsideAgents, a Jacksonville, Florida, company with 8,000 advisers in its network. But, he said, “the imminent demise of travel agents has always been predicted, and each new technology is a tool to be used.”
He recently gave a tech tips seminar to his advisers and is compiling a list of prompts his advisers can use to make the most of the software.
Burt, who has been experimenting with ChatGPT, has used it to create more than 100 itineraries. The result is a great starting point and “can save some basic legwork,” he said, “but a good agent still needs to fact-check and enhance it.”
For example, he explained, only a human can tease out what travellers say they want versus what they really want. The software gets “70 or 80 per cent – but we’re not aiming for a C grade,” he said.
Expedia, one of the world’s largest online travel companies, has been using AI for years to personalise recommendations and program its online virtual adviser, but ChatGPT is a “significant new step,” Expedia CEO Peter Kern said.
His company is looking at the new technology as a possible way to give customers a more conversational way to interact with Expedia, Kern said, for example, by speaking or typing questions instead of pointing and clicking.
Expedia could also work with ChatGPT to personalise recommendations better by combining its data with the two types of data his company tracks: customers’ purchase history and the most current pricing and availability of airline tickets, hotel rooms and rental cars.
Aylin Caliskan, a University of Washington professor of computer science who studies machine learning and how society affects artificial intelligence, predicts that other travel companies will go the same route, adding their own data and programming to generative AI systems like those being created by Google, Amazon and OpenAI, to accomplish specific tasks.
The systems take an enormous amount of investment, data and human work to create, she said, so it will be more efficient to build on top of them. A travel insurance company, for example, could build a system using the natural-language capabilities of software like ChatGPT that would help travellers choose the most appropriate policies or guide them through the process of submitting claims.
Generative AI could also improve foreign-language translation, potentially helping travellers conduct conversations with local people, Caliskan said. And combined with virtual reality technology, it could also allow travel companies to give customers a preview “visit” of a destination using a virtual reality headset.
Jeff Low, CEO of Stash Hotels Rewards, a company that awards loyalty points for staying at a set of independent hotels, worries about the effect new AI like ChatGPT may have on the lodging industry. If one promise of artificial intelligence is automating routine tasks so that workers can personally connect with guests, “the reality is different,” Low said. Hotels have been more likely to cut jobs when AI was introduced, he said, for example reducing front desk staff when automated check-in became popular.
“Interacting with people is an important part of travel,” he said. “And hotels can differentiate themselves through those connections.”
Low also worries that unethical companies could use software like ChatGPT to undermine the value of guest reviews on travel sites, information many rely on to make hotel choices.
This kind of software could make it easier for so-called review farms – which create fake positive or negative postings – to become more sophisticated, perhaps even creating traveller profiles that will pump out seemingly legitimate reviews over months and years, he said. Travel companies have systems to weed out fake reviews, he said, “but if a college professor can’t tell if a bot wrote a student’s paper, how will Tripadvisor know if a review is legitimate?”
There are other potential downsides as the capabilities of generative AI are used by more travel providers. A natural-language answer sounds authoritative, “so people will believe it more than they should,” Burt said. And because Google loves fresh content when it comes to ranking search results, companies that want to raise their internet profiles may start using ChatGPT-like software to write an ever-larger raft of blog and social media posts.
The internet “might become an AI junk land,” Burt said.
But for all the potential problems, an AI-powered future could still be a boon to travellers: If ChatGPT or other generative systems gain access to up-to-the-minute information, a sudden change in one plan could automatically ripple through the rest, said Chekitan Dev, a professor at the Nolan School of Hotel Administration at Cornell University.
If your flight is delayed, for example, the system could postpone your car rental and send the restaurant where you plan to dine that evening a message to rebook your reservation for a later time.
So will the future bring an autonomous vehicle that “knows” to pick you up at the airport when your delayed plane arrives, then takes you sightseeing and ends up at a place with the best pad thai in town? Or maybe AI and virtual reality engineers will someday team up to bring us a Star Trek holodeck experience that feels almost as real as a vacation, and we’ll never leave home.
“This is uncharted waters for all of us,” Dev said.
By Julia Weed © The New York Times Company
This article originally appeared in The New York Times
Source: New York Times/ih