



レファレンス : イーマーンの基幹 - ⑤最後の日への信仰‐2(審判の日の諸予兆)、ムハンマド ブン イブラーヒム アル=トゥワイジリ(著者)、サイード佐藤(役者)。英語の部分は日本語に続きます。

ヤアジュージュとマアジュージュは 2 つの偉大な民で、誰も太刀打ち出来ないような強大な民です。彼らの出現は審判の日の大予兆の内の 1 つであり、地上に退廃をもたらします。そこでイーサー(イエス:彼に平安あれ)と彼の教友たちが彼らに対してアッラーに祈り、彼らを滅ぼすのです。

至高のアッラーはこう仰られました:ヤアジュージュとマアジュージュが解き放たれ、地上の隅々まで一気に散開するまで(彼ら不信仰者らは悔悟しないのだ)。(クルアーン 21:96)


「アッラーはイーサーにこう仰る:``われは誰も太刀打ち出来ないような(強大な)わがしもべたちを出現させた。それゆえしもべたちをシナイ山の方へ非難させるのだ。‘‘ それからアッラーはヤアジュージュとマアジュージュを遣わし、彼らは地上の隅々にまで一気に散開する。彼らの内の先頭を切る者たちがタバリー湖に立ち寄ればその水は飲み干されてしまい、彼らの内の後陣の者たちはそこにやって来ると、こう言う:``以前ここには水があったはずなのだが。‘‘ イーサーとその教友たちは彼らから包囲され、(彼らの状態は飢えのため)彼らにとって野牛の頭の方が今日のあなた方にとっての 100 ディーナールよりもましであるような状態に陥る。それからイーサーとその教友たちはアッラーに祈り、アッラーは彼らの首に寄生虫を送られ、彼らを一瞬で滅亡させられる。それからアッラーの預言者イーサーとその教友は地上に降りて行く・・・」(サヒーフ ムスリムの伝承、#2937)


Gog and Magog are two great nations from the children of A<dam. They are strong men whom none have the power to battle. Their emergence is from the major signs of the Hour. They will cause corruption upon the earth and then ʿĪsa (peace be upon him), the son of Maryam, and his companions will supplicate against them and they will die. whom none have the power to battle. Their emergence is from the major signs of the Hour. They will cause corruption upon the earth and then Īsa (peace be upon him), the son of Maryam, and his companions will supplicate against them and they will die.

حَتَّىٰ إِذَا فُتِحَتْ يَأْجُوجُ وَمَأْجُوجُ وَهُم مِّن كُلِّ حَدَبٍ يَنسِلُونَ - 21:96

Until when [the dam of] Gog and Magog has been opened and they, from every elevation, descend

And Nawwās bin Samʿān (radhiyallahu ʿanhu) narrated:
When the Messenger of Allah (blessings of Allāh and peace be upon him) mentioned Dajjāl and ʿĪsa killing him at the gateway of Ludd he said, "Allah would reveal to ʿĪsa these words, 'I have brought forth from amongst My servants such people against whom none would be able to fight; you take these people safely to Ṭūr.' Then Allah would send Gog and Magog and they would swarm down from every slope. The first of them would pass the lake of Tibering and drink out of it. When the last of them would pass, he would say, 'There was once water there.' ʿĪsa and his companions would then be besieged here such that the head of the ox would be dearer to them than one hundred dinars, and the Prophet of Allah ʿĪsa and his companions would
supplicate Allah, who would send to them insects (which would attack their necks) and in the morning they would perish like one single person. The Prophet of Allah ʿĪsa and his companions would then come down to the ground." Narrated by Muslim (no. 2937)

After ʿĪsa (peace be upon him) descends with his companions to the ground, they will supplicate to Allah and Allah, in turn, will send birds carrying Gog and Magog and tossing them wherever He wills. Then Allah will send a rainfall that would wash the earth. Then blessings will descend and greenery and fruits will emerge, and they will be blessed along with the animals upon earth.
