

預言者は答えました。「現世で何を求めるというのですか。現世での生活は、馬で出かけた人が木陰で少し休んでから出発するまでのような、わずかな期間でしかありません」 (アフマドによる伝承)


絶え間ない喜びなどというものは不可能なのです。それが人生における自然な状態なのですから。私たちはこの世界に依存することで、来世を無視するべきではありません。預言者(彼に平安と祝福あれ)は教友アブドゥッラー・ビン・ウマルにおっしゃりました。「現 世 に お いてはよそ者 か、旅 人 のようでありなさい」(ブ ハ ーリー による伝 承)

Allah has clarified that this life is only a stepping stone to the Hereafter, which is the true, ultimate, and everlasting life. The Prophet ‫صلى الله عليه وسلم‬ informed his companion, Umar b. al-Khattab, of this when Umar entered upon him, and found him lying on a mat made from straw which had left marks on the  Prophet’s side. He said, “O Prophet of Allah, if you wish we can bring you bedding more comfortable than this.” He replied: “What do I need from this world? My example in this world is surely that of a person riding on a sunny day and then taking shade under a tree for a period of time, then leaving and continuing on his journey.” (Ahmed)

Allah, the Almighty, has clarified to us that this life is full of worries and misery. If you feel joyful during one day, you will feel sorrowful on other days. If you laugh one day, you will cry on another day. Being joyous continually is not possible. This is the nature of this life. It is inappropriate for any of us to rely upon this world and disregard the next. The Prophet ‫صلى الله عليه وسلم‬ instructed his companion Abdullah b. Umar: “Be in this life like a stranger or a traveler.” (Bukhari)
