イスラームでは、しもべとその主の間に仲介はない No intermediaries between God and man




またイスラームはムスリムの理性を解放し、熟考と分別へと招きました。そして意見が食い違った時には、クルアーンと、信頼性の高い預言者(アッラーからの祝福と平安あれ)の言行によって裁定することへと、ムスリムを誘ったのです。いかなる者も絶対的真理を所有してはいませんし、その言葉による命令において、一から十まで従う義務はありません。ただし、私欲からではなく、アッラーからの啓示と指示によって語るアッラーの使徒(アッラーからの祝福と平安あれ)だけが、例外なのです。アッラーはこう仰せられました。 『そして彼は、私欲によって語るのではない。それは下された啓示に、外ならないのだ。』(クルアーン53:3‐4)  


Many religions have given certain religious privileges to some individuals and made people’s worship and faith dependent upon such individuals’ approval. In other words, they constitute intermediaries between God and them and falsely claim they can pardon their sins and even have knowledge of the unseen! 

Thus, Islam came to honour and dignify man and refute the false idea that man’s worship, repentance or salvation is dependent upon certain individuals’ sanction no matter how devout and virtuous they may be. 

In Islam, a Muslim worships Allah directly, without any intermediaries whatsoever between him and his Lord; for Allah is close to His servants; He can hear their prayer and respond to them and see their worship and reward them for performing it. No one in Islam claims to forgive sins and offer ‘indulgences’. If a person commits a sin and sincerely seeks Allah’s forgiveness, Allah certainly pardons his sin. No one possesses supernatural powers or can influence the universe in any way, for the power of decision rests with Allah alone.

Islam has also liberated the human mind and encourages Muslims, when differences arise, to refer to the Qur’an and the authentic sayings and actions (Sunnah) of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him); for no human being has the prerogative to decide on religious matters after Allāh except Allah’s Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him), the recipient of Allah’s revelations who does not speak out of his own desire, as the Qur’an states, “He does not speak from his own desire. It is nothing but revelation revealed.” (Sūrat An-Najm, 53:3-4)

How great this religion is! It is in utter harmony with the pure natural disposition upon which Allah originated man, making him his own master and enabling him to exchange the servitude to false gods for the perfect freedom of worshipping Allah alone. 

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References 

Bahammam, Fahd Salim. 2012. The New Muslim Guide. Sixth Edition. Ben Rezzouk. Riyadh. p. 27-28. 

 Bahammam, Fahd Salim. 2012. The New Muslim Guide. Sixth Edition. Japanese Version. Translated by Saeed Sato. Ben Rezzouk. Riyadh. p. 25-26. 

