敬老の日(「9月第3月曜日」)、100歳人口、健康的生活 Respect for the Aged Day (“Third Monday in September”), 100-year-old population, and healthy living
・健康的な食生活 ・体を常によく動かす ・タバコや電子タバコを吸わない ・社会と健全なつながりを保つ ・オピオイド(強力な鎮痛薬)を乱用しない ・睡眠環境がいい ・アルコール依存でなく、頻繁に大酒を飲まない ・ストレスを軽減できる
沖縄を含め世界の100歳人の多い地域を調査し発表したベストセラー本「ブルーゾーン」とそのテレビ番組で紹介されたアメリカ人の女性医師、Dr. Loida Medinaとその長男の大学教授、Prof. Ernie Medinaが今月初めに私たちを尾道に訪問してくれ、私たちもその健康生活の一端を直接見聞きしました。
The population of 100-year-olds in this year 2024 in Japan is 47,888, including 232 who are in our town of Onomichi with its population of 128,324.
According to a national map showing the number of 100-year-olds per 100,000 population (in 2023), Hiroshima Prefecture ranks 20th in the nation.
The following are the elements of a healthy life style of 100 year-olds that are often introduced.
・Healthy eating habits ・Healthy physical activity at all times ・Not smoking cigarettes or e-cigarettes ・Maintain healthy social connections ・Do not abuse opioids (powerful painkillers) ・Good sleeping environment ・Not alcohol dependent and not a frequent heavy drinker ・Able to reduce stress
Dr. Loida Medina, an American lady doctor and their eldest son, Prof. Ernie Medina, a university professor, the former of who was featured in the bestseller book “Blue Zones,” a book that researched and published areas of the world with many 100-year-olds, including Okinawa, kindly visited us in Onomichi earlier this month and we were able to see and hear firsthand some aspects of their healthy lifestyle.
Her visit to the U.S. was closely followed for three days by a Brazilian TV station, which will be broadcast in Brazil next month in October. I would like to see it in English if possible.