朴葵姫 ギター・リサイタル、趣味のギター on 休日 (59) Guitar Recital by Park Kyuhee, Guitar playing as a hobby on holidays (59)
先日6月15日(土)、三原市のポポロで “朴 葵姫「ポポロでバッハを弾く」” というギター リサイタルを楽しみました。
On June 15th (Saturday), we enjoyed a guitar recital titled "Park Kyuhee's Playing Bach at the Popolo" at the Popolo in Mihara City.
The program is shown in the attached photo.
Without the use of a microphone, the sounds of a single small guitar sha had played were reached to every corner of the large venue.
We enjoyed ourselves with our ears and eyes the beauty of the natural sounds of the small guitar she played and the abundance of her outstanding skills.