後期高齢者の医療費窓口負担割合とその人口割合 The percentage of medical expenses borne by the elderly in the later stage of life and its population ratio
The percentage of medical expenses borne by the elderly in the later stage of life and its population ratio:
Effective October 1, last year of 2022, the percentage of medical expenses borne by late-stage elderly persons aged 75 and over has been changed.
There are three categories based on annual income.
Those who pay 10% of medical expenses (annual income of 3.5 million yen or less) are 77% of the total, those who pay 20% (annual income of 3.5 million yen or more) are 20%, and those who pay 30% (annual income equivalent to the working-age population) are 7% of the total.
I think it would be better to make a more detailed distinction.
In particular, we would like the annual income of those with annual income equal to or greater than 5 million yen and those with annual income equal to or greater than 10 million yen to be set two more categories, and the burden rate for these categories to be 40% and 50%.
Since this is a computerized calculation process, it is not a difficult task, and this will reduce the burden on the working-age and younger generations, so it should be changed and implemented as soon as possible.