世界の原子力発電設備数、世界全体の電力消費量、持続型発電の必要性 Number of nuclear power facilities worldwide, global electricity consumption, and the need for sustainable power generation
① 2018年1月末時点で、原子力発電所の運転中のものは448基、建設中、計画中のものを含めると総計663基となっていました。
② 2016年中に供給された原子力発電所での年間電力量は2兆4,900億kWhであり、これは全世界の電力の約11%に当たりました。
③ 2021 年 1 月 1 日現在、世界の運転中原子力発電所は 434 基、前年 比で 3 基減少し、2018年比で14基減少した。
④ 世界では計画通りには原子力発電所の数は増えていません。
⑤ 世界全体の電力消費量は23兆kWh(2016年)です。
電力消費量が多い国ランキングは、1位・中国、2位・アメリカ、3位・インド、4位・日本、5位・ロシア…。 以下はドイツ、韓国、カナダと続きます。
⑥ 地球気候変動、地球温暖化への対策、持続可能な発電への代替は少しずつ進んでいるようですが、現在も世界で毎年2、3%ずつ増えている電力需要への対応には持続可能な発電への大幅な代替が不可欠です。
⑦ 各家庭で使用する電気の20、30%でも太陽光発電などの持続可能な発電による電気に切り替えることができれば、地球環境変動防止には大きな貢献ができるはずです。
(1) As of the end of January 2018, there were 448 nuclear power plants in operation and a total of 663 nuclear power plants including those under construction or planned.
(2) The annual amount of electricity supplied by nuclear power plants during 2016 was 2.49 trillion kWh, or about 11% of the world's electricity.
(3) As of January 1, 2021, there were 434 nuclear power plants in operation worldwide, down 3 from the previous year and down 14 from 2018.
(4) The number of nuclear power plants worldwide has not increased as planned.
(5) The total global electricity consumption is 23 trillion kWh (2016).
The ranking of countries with the highest electricity consumption is: 1st - China, 2nd - USA, 3rd - India, 4th - Japan, 5th - Russia.... Following them are Germany, South Korea, and Canada.
China and the U.S. are the two countries that stand out in terms of electricity consumption, consuming a whopping 40% of the world's electricity. (See attached chart).
(6) Although there seems to be gradual progress in addressing global climate change and global warming, and in replacing electricity generation with sustainable generation, significant replacement with sustainable generation is essential to meet the demand for electricity, which is still increasing by 2 to 3% annually around the world.
(7) If even 20-30% of the electricity used in each household could be switched to electricity generated from sustainable sources such as solar power, this would make a significant contribution to the prevention of global environmental change.