太陽熱利用(1)、2018年夏、豪雨による断水時の思い出 Utilization of solar heat (1), Memories of when water was cut off due to torrential rains in summer,2018

Simple water heater and simple filter
In summer 6 years ago, when the city of Onomichi was cut off from water for a long period of time due to torrential rains, we made do with well water from my parents' home.
It was the beginning of summer and we needed to take baths and showers. To heat the well water, we filled a styrofoam box (with excellent insulation) with water and floated a black plastic sheet on top of it to collect sun heat to make hot water.
With this method, we were able to use the necessary amount of hot water with sufficient temperature for showers, etc. But just to be safe, we built a simple water purifier like the one shown in the photo to purify the water.
Now, there are products using vacuum type heat collector tubes. (See attached photo)
So at least during the summer months it is possible to use solar heat in a very simple way to produce hot water without using gas or electricity, which are causes of global warming and climate change.

Hot water heater products using vacuum-type heat collector tubes