省エネ大賞受賞技術開発の軌跡 (54) Trajectory of Energy Conservation Grand Prize-winning Technology Development (54)
第2章 誰でもできる発見や発明
Chapter 2 Discoveries and Inventions That Anyone Can Make
2.2 常識よ、サヨナラ
2.2 Goodbye to common sense 周囲は敵?だらけ (3) 子機付き電話ファックス
ところで、使用時以外に電源プラグを抜くことの出来る製品にはテレビ、電子レンジ、洗濯機、他があります。待機電力消費量の大きい順で4番目にランクされたファックス付電話機は電源プラグを抜けば、どうなるのでしょうか? 次の2つのタイプに区分できます。
1. 電話機としては使用可能だが、ファックスとしては使用できない。2. 電話機としても、ファックスとしても使用できない。いずれであってもファックス付電話機の場合は電源プラグを抜けばファックスの機能は「宝の持ち腐れ」になります。
この節電虫接続方法で節約可能なファックスやコピー機の待機時消費電力量は日本全体(家庭、工場、事務所)で年間6000万kWhです。決して小さな数字ではありません。 続く
![](https://assets.st-note.com/img/1730246746-ctxrfqIDZvzN1eJpTV0HE29A.jpg) Full of enemies? around me (3), Telephone facsimile machines with handsets
By the way, TVs, microwave ovens, washing machines, etc. are home electric appliances that can be unplugged when not in use. What happens to the fax machines with telephones, which are ranked fourth in the order of standby electricity consumption, if they are plugged out? It can be divided into the following two types.
1. Can be used as a phone, but not as a fax.
2. Cannot be used either as a telephone or as a fax.
In any case, if the telephone with fax is unplugged, the fax function will become "a waste".
⇒ Is there a good way to use the fax phones while saving power by unplugging them?
Using Setsuden-mushi is a concrete method to answer such problems and questions. The problem can be solved by connecting Setsuden-mushi to the fax with telephone. However, there is one problem that cannot be solved. That is that you will not be able to make calls from the cordless handset of a fax machine with telephone. Outgoing calls from the handset become impossible. (There is no problem in incoming calls using the handset.)
Since the power of the main unit of the fax machine is turned off by Setsuden-mushi, the signal from the handset unit can’t be received by the main unit. This problem is fatal considering that 90% of the intended use of a fax with a telephone is a telephone call, and at least half of that, 45%, is an outgoing call from a handset. I'm very sorry, but I can't solve this problem. It is necessary for the fax machine manufacturer to provide another circuit for exchanging signals between the handset and base unit.
Setsuden-mushi standing-by when the fax with telephone is unplugged automatically turns on only when there is a telephone or fax call, and after 5 minutes from the completion of the call or reception of the fax message, it automatically and reliably saves power by returning the fax machines to the unplugged state.
With this Setsuden-mushi connection method, the energy consumption during standby of a fax machine or copier that can be saved is 60 million kWh annually in Japan (home, factory, office). It's by no means a small number.
To be continued