
省エネ大賞受賞技術開発の軌跡 (57) Trajectory of Energy Conservation Grand Prize-winning Technology Development (57)

第2章 誰でもできる発見や発明

Chapter 2 Discoveries and Inventions That Anyone Can Make

2.2 常識よ、サヨナラ

2.2 Goodbye to common sense人間本来のペース、感性、リズム

 科学技術の発達、過当競争、及び情報伝達速度の速度は自然が関与している生産ペースを大きく超過しました。 製品は短期に、例えば数年で過剰生産に陥ります。人間が100%近くコントロールできる技術による生産は人間が本来持っている生活スピードやリズムを狂わせました。一瞬の幸せを謳歌できても人生サイクルでの幸せはもたらしません。人間本来のペース、感性、リズムを取り戻すことから再生がスタートします。

連載している内容は節電技術開発に関して約20年以上前に記述しましたが、添付した円グラフは最近の夏の日中に何が電力消費しているかを示したグラフです。 省エネを効果的に行う対象がエアコンと冷蔵庫であることを示しています。
The content of the series regarding the electricity saving technology development was written more than 20 years ago, but the attached pie is a graph showing what consumes electricity during the recent summer days. It shows that air conditioners and fridges are the most effective targets for energy savings. Human's original pace, sensitivity, rhythm

 With the 21st century starting, the IT and semiconductor industries, which were expected to be the driving force of this century, have fallen sharply since the autumn of 2000. The global recession, sluggish global sales, poor price competitiveness, bad debts, the highest unemployment rate and job insecurity are all said to be the responsibility of others and other countries.
 However, is it too much to say that all of these rust, karmic backlash and spoilage came from themselves?
 The poor global sales are natural because they produced more than necessary under excessive competition ignoring raw material value, technical value, production value and human value, and they sold them unreasonably low-priced.
 It is no exaggeration to say that the decline in price competitiveness Japan faced is the result of repeated wage increases beyond necessity because Japan is a resource-poor country with little resources other than human resources. The 20% to 30% wage cuts will be necessary for Japan to regain Japanese price competitiveness in the world. Most small and medium-sized enterprises may have had their wages substantially reduced since the mid-1990s. However, the average winter bonus amount for the 2002 city staff of the city of Onomichi, where I live, was 900,000 yen. This is far from the common sense of ordinary citizens.
 A large amount of bad debts is the result of a resourceless country operating its business just like a big baby, relying on the funds (including capital, subsidies, etc.) of others. Borrowers are the worst, but lender financial institutions are also guilty. There are problems with lenders who lend money ignorantly without properly assessing the business content and technical content as well as with borrowers complacently saying that debts are assets. A large amount of bad debts is a natural consequence. After all, no matter how you change the name of money like venture capital, it is other people's money. Those who work on the money of others do not have true success or long-term peace. If you can reflect on the bad things in the 20th century, you can't easily rely on borrowed money.
 Regarding the issue of unemployment, it should have been possible for Japan to predict which industry Japan would next face severe unemployment issue. Japan had been aiming for high wages in the global structure during the past energy revolution, textile recession and shipbuilding recession. If you can predict it, you have to prepare for the next step, but having neglected to prepare it became a big problem. It is irrelevant to pass the responsibility on to the government, other countries, and others. If the politicians are incompetent, then at the same time the people are incompetent. Even if the incompetent comrades blame each other, the problem can’t be solved.
 I think the true revival of Japan in the future is basically migrating overseas or returning to the primary industry. In other words, we should return to the origin and reflect on it from the beginning, slimming down the spirit and size, and restructuring. The possibility that original technology or technology that can be monopolized by only one country can save this situation is close to zero. Even if a technology far from the human level is born, there is no guarantee that it will contribute to the peace and happiness of humankind. Those who shout loudly as if they could do it are the people who have never actually experienced technological development or manufacturing, or the people who have never been in business. They are the ones who live in an unrealistic fantasy world, and their theory is just a desk theory.
                        To be continued

現在、今年2025年時点では釜本事務所は2024年から新しく発電技術開発に取り組んでいます。その小型高効率太陽光発電・蓄電システム(写真、ベランダ・狭地用、165 x 255 cm)では家庭での主な電力消費電気製品、エアコンと冷蔵庫、に電力を供給するように配電設計しています。         As of this year of 2025, the compact, high-efficiency solar power generation and storage system (see photo, on terraces and/or small spaces, 165 x 255 cm) that KTK office newly has been working on since 2024 is designed to distribute power to these two main electricity consuming appliances.
