省エネ大賞受賞技術開発の軌跡 (21) Trajectory of Energy Conservation Grand Prize-winning Technology Development (21)
1.4.2 省資源・省エネルギー
省資源/省エネルギー(conservation of resources and energy)とは産業・生活・社会活動全般における資源・エネルギーの効率利用を図ることです。このような課題は1973(昭和48)年10月に勃発した第4次中東戦争が原因で起こった1974年の第一次石油危機以降にわが国をはじめとする先進工業諸国できわめて現実的な政策課題として取り上げられるようになりました。そして1979年の第二次石油危機でさらに政策は強化されました。省資源・省エネルギー化を進める方策としては以下のことが考えられます。
1.4.2 Resource and Energy Conservation
Let's take a look at energy conservation.
Conservation of resources and energy refers to the efficient use of resources and energy in industry, daily life, and social activities in general. This had been a very real policy issue in Japan and other industrialized countries since the first oil crisis in 1974, which was caused by the Fourth Middle East War that broke out in October 1973. The second oil crisis in 1979 further reinforced this policy. The following measures can be considered to promote resource and energy conservation.
(1) Reduction of resource and energy consumption intensity in each industry (development of resource- and energy-saving technologies)
(2) Resource and energy conservation in terms of product use (extension of service life, diffusion of energy-saving televisions, etc.)
(3) Promotion of resource reuse,
(4) Development of high value-added industries with high energy productivity
In the 1980s, energy and oil supply and demand began to ease. Especially after 1986, energy conservation slowed down as the prices dropped significantly, and the importance of energy conservation tended to be forgotten. Although the economic incentive was expected to continue to ease over the long term, there is a movement to restrict the use of fossil fuels to prevent global warming due to global-scale environmental issues. Energy conservation is also being emphasized to reduce the environmental burden. Aside from industrial use, which has already made significant progress, energy conservation for consumer and transportation use, which continues to increase, is now strongly called for.
In 1993, the Agency for Natural Resources and Energy revised the Act on the Rational Use of Energy (Energy Conservation Act), which was enacted in 1979 after the second oil crisis. It was decided to require offices and buildings to implement energy conservation measures comparable to those in factories. In addition, companies that fail to comply with their energy conservation obligations will be fined. The main points of the revision of the Energy Conservation Law are as follows.
(1) Factories that consume more than a certain amount of energy (designated factories) will be required to report on their energy usage.
(2) Recommendations and improvement orders will be issued to uncooperative companies.
(3) Positively apply penalties to companies that do not comply with these orders.
To be continued