省エネ大賞受賞技術開発の軌跡 (4) Trajectory of Energy Conservation Grand Prize-winning Technology Development (4)
第1章 もったいない無駄と必要な無駄 / Chapter 1 Wasteful Waste and Necessary Waste
話が代わりますが、この章を書き始めたのが2002年12月です。節電虫(益虫)を開発してすでに8年と6ヶ月が経過していました。この2002年の初めに、今年は“私の年”だと勝手に解釈していました。その理由は私の名前が釜本 二ということでニ(つぐる、と読みます)という数字にちなんで今年は2002と2の数字が二つもあるから、私の年だ、という単純極まりない考えでした。
Chapter 1 Wasteful Waste and Necessary Waste
First, in the following chapters, I will discuss my experiences and thoughts on energy conservation, product development, and work procedures from a subjective point of view.
There are two types of waste: waste that should be eliminated, or wasteful waste, and waste that is beneficial, or necessary waste. An example of the former is the waste of standby power consumption of facsimiles and other telecommunications equipment, which I aim to reduce and save.
Facsimiles and telephones with facsimiles are always connected to a power source. At this time, the display on the facsimile machine shows the time and other information, which consumes electricity. Since you never know when a call or message will come in, and you cannot receive these messages unless the power is on, it is necessary to keep the facsimile in a state of constant power consumption, and this power consumption is generally thought as a necessary waste.
However, since a facsimile machine (with a telephone attached) is only for making and receiving calls and sending and receiving messages, it should only use electricity when it is making and receiving calls or messages. This is my opinion.
I started writing this chapter in December 2002. It had already been eight years and six months since I developed Setsuden-mushi (beneficial insects). At the beginning of 2002, I thought that this year would be “my year”. The reason for this was that my name is Kamamoto Tsuguru, the latter of which means "two" in Japanese, and this year of 2002has two 2s. That is why I thought 2002 is “my year”. It was an extremely simple idea.
This self-serving interpretation and assumption may or may not have been correct, but to my surprise, a major company approached me with an offer to sell Setsuden-mushi (beneficial insects) products, to form a technical tie-up, and to use the technology.
As I mentioned earlier, Setsuden-mushi is a device I had developed, and as the name suggests, it is an automatic switch designed to save electricity. I had a dream to use Setsuden-mushi to stop one nuclear power plant in Japan and save one million kilowatts of standby power consumption.
To be continued