省エネ大賞受賞技術開発の軌跡 (34) Trajectory of Energy Conservation Grand Prize-winning Technology Development (34)
第1章 もったいない無駄と必要な無駄
1.5.4 リモコン家電の待機消費電力と節電方法 (2023.10.01 – 追記) 基礎技術は死なない、デジタル技術の限界
続く Basic technology will never die, Limitations of Digital Technology.
All electrical products with remote controls continue to consume standby power when connected to a power source, even when turned off.
KTK Office developed two basic technologies for power saving that can automatically reduce standby power consumption to zero 30 years ago, in 1994, and won the Energy Conservation Grand Prize, which we still own today. Recently, an insightful electrical product manufacturing company in Osaka has expressed interest in these basic technologies of ours.
No matter how much technology advances, the obstacles that cannot be solved can be overcome by combining basic technologies with advanced technologies. I feel that after more than 30 years, the times have finally have caught up with us.
Standby power consumption is the power that a product continues to consume when it is not functioning as intended. Until around 2000, it was 10 to 15% of total power consumption, and recently it has been 5 to 7%.
Remote-controlled home appliances continue to consume standby power as long as they are plugged into power outlets.
While there has been progress in cutting standby power consumption from mechanical methods to the ones using chips and software, even the latter method cannot reduce standby power consumption to zero. This is because the chip requires a constant supply of power. In addition, it is impossible to reduce standby power consumption to zero because the convenience of operating products with remote controllers is now prioritized. In other words, there is an unresolvable barrier to eliminating standby power consumption completely, no matter how much the digital technology advances. No matter how much digital technology (AI artificial intelligence, generative AI, etc.) advances, there is a barrier that cannot be solved.
To break through this barrier, i.e., to obtain the best results for many products and services, the combination and cooperation of digital technology and human beings are essential.
To be continued