
還暦異聞 ポエ爺


🐬Souvent elle demeurait immobile sur le rivage de la mer, qu'elle arrosait de ses larmes; 多くの場合、彼女は涙で水を潤した海の岸辺で動かずにいた。Often she remained motionless on the shore of the sea, which she watered with her tears;💎或時獨立出て。常世の春が此嶋を。粧ふ野辺に咲滿る。花の錦に飛びかはす。蝶の番を見るにつけ。思ぞ出す昨日の空。身につまされて又濡す。磯うつなみだ立騒。💧What good did it do her to peer toward infinity, if she could see only the bitter  plains of despair?💦She often flood motionless on the ſea-ſhore which ſhe watered with her tears,🐟Frequently she stood motionless on the beach, which she watered with her tears、、、

人々も、「『Souvent』さることは知り、『或時』や『Often』歌などにさへ歌へど『Frequently』思いこそ『motionless』よらざりつれ。なほ、この此の『Frequentry』宮の人Emily Dickinsonには、『And the Earth - they tell me - On its Axis turned!』や『rest』さべきなめり。」といふ。

🐧🐬Les aventures de Télémaque suivies des aventures d'Aristonoüs         par François de Salignac de La Mothe- Fénelon     ☞jp&Eng by google translator💎欧州小説 哲烈禍福譚   翻訳 宮島春松💧The Adventures of Telemachus, the Son of Ulysses ...       Translated from the French        By François de Salignac de La Mothe- Fénelon💦The Adventures of Telemachus By Luice Arago🐟The Adventures of Telemachus, the Son of Ulysses;      from the French ..., Volume 1      By Francois de Salignac de la Motte Fenelon🌈Emily Dickinson [6]


🐬Calypso ne pouvait se consoler du départ d'Ulysse. Dans sa douleur, elle se trouvait malheureuse d'être immortelle. Sa grotte ne résonnait plus de son chant: les nymphes qui la servaient n'osaient lui parler. Elle se promenait souvent seule sur les gazons fleuris dont un printemps éternel bordait son île[5]: mais ces beaux lieux, loin de modérer sa douleur, ne faisaient que lui rappeler le triste souvenir d'Ulysse, qu'elle y avait vu tant de fois auprès d'elle. Souvent elle demeurait immobile sur le rivage de la mer, qu'elle arrosait de ses larmes; et elle était sans cesse tournée vers le côté où le vaisseau d'Ulysse, fendant les ondes, avait disparu à ses yeux. Tout à coup elle aperçut les débris d'un navire qui venait de faire naufrage, des bancs de rameurs mis en pièces, des rames écartées çà et là sur le sable, un gouvernail, un mât, des cordages flottants sur la côte,

🐬Calypso could not console herself for Ulysses' departure. In her pain, she found herself unhappy at being immortal. Her cave no longer resonated with her song: the nymphs who served her did not dare speak to her. She often walked alone on the flowery lawns with which an eternal spring bordered her island[5]: but these beautiful places, far from moderating her pain, only reminded her of the sad memory of Ulysses, whom she had seen so much there. times with her. Often she remained motionless on the shore of the sea, which she watered with her tears; and she was constantly turned towards the side where Ulysses' ship, cutting through the waves, had disappeared from her eyes. Suddenly she saw the remains of a ship which had just been wrecked, rowers' benches torn to pieces, oars spread here and there on the sand, a rudder, a mast, ropes floating on the coast,
🐬カリプソはユリシーズの出発を慰めることができなかった。 苦しみの中で、彼女は自分が不死であることに不満を感じていました。 彼女の洞窟にはもはや彼女の歌は響きませんでした。彼女に仕えていたニンフたちはあえて彼女に話しかけようとはしませんでした。 彼女は島の境界に永遠の春が広がる花咲く芝生の上をよく一人で歩いていました。しかし、これらの美しい場所は彼女の苦痛を和らげるどころか、そこで何度も見たユリシーズの悲しい記憶を思い出させるだけでした。彼女と。 多くの場合、彼女は涙で水を潤した海の岸辺で動かずにいた。 そして彼女は常に、波を切り裂くユリシーズの船が彼女の目から消えた側を向いていました。 突然、彼女は難破したばかりの船の残骸、ばらばらに引き裂かれた漕ぎ手用のベンチ、砂の上のあちこちに広がったオール、舵、マスト、海岸に浮かぶロープ、




💧Like a seashell on the beach, Calypso disconsolately repeated the name of Ulysses to the foam that carries ships ahar, un mindful in her sorrow of her immoral self. The seagulls in attendance took flight when the approached for fear of being consumed by the fire of her lamentations. The laughter of the meadows, the cries of the fine graved, all the caresses of landscape made her miss more crelly the absent lover who had taught her to perceive them. What good did it do her to peer toward infinity, if she could see only the bitter  plains of despair? In vain did the island shores bloosom upon the passage of their queen, attentive only on the ebb and flow of the tides. 


💦CALYPSO could not he comforted for the departure of Ulyſſes: in her grief the found herſelf unhappy by being immortal. Her grotto no longer echoed with the ſweet muſic of her voice: the nymphs who attended her dared not ſpeak to her. She often walked alone on the flowery turſ, with which on eternal ſpring ſurrounded her iſland: but theſe beautiful ſeenes, far from allevicting her ſorrow, did but recall to her the ſad remembrance of Ulyſſes, whom ſhe there had ſhe there had ſeen to many times with her. She often flood motionless on the ſea-ſhore which ſhe watered with her tears, and was continually turned towereds the part where the ſhip of Ulyſſes, ploughing the Saves, had diſappeared from her eyes. On the ſudden ſhe perceived the Fragments of a veſſel that had juſt been wrecked, rowers benches broken in pieces, oar ſcattered here and there on the ſand, a rudder, a maſt and cordage floating on the ſhore.


🐟CALYPSO remained inconsolable for the departure of Ulysses. In extremity of sorrow she felt herself miserable in being immortal: thhe nymphs, who waited on her, observed a timid silence. She wandered alone over the flowing turf, with which a perptual spring had adorned her isle; but the beautied that bloomed around her, instead of moderating her grief, only served to recal the melancholy remembrance of Ulysses, who had so often been the companion of her work. Frequently she stood motionless on the beach, which she watered with her tears; her eyes unceasing by fixed on that part of the horizon, where the lessening back of the hero had disappeared from her sought. In this disconsolate situation she was only day surprized with the sudden appearance of a shipwreck: broken benches and oars were scattered about upon the sand, a rudder, a mast, and some cordage, were floationg near the shore.


                                       Frequently the woods are pink ー
            Frequently are brown.
            Frequently the hills undress
            Behind my native town.
            Oft a head is crested
            I was wont to see ー
            And as oft a cranny
            Where it used to be ー
            And the Earth ー they tell me ー
            On its Axis turned!
            Wonderful Rotation!
            By the twelve performed!
