

アクターズ・スタジオ・インタビュー(英語名:Inside the Actors Studio)という番組をご存じでしょうか。



毎回、最後に司会者のJames Lipton氏がゲストに決まって聞く質問というのがあります。


What is your favorite word? 

What is your least favorite word? 

What turns you on? 

What turns you off? 

What sound or noise do you love/hate?

What's your favorite curse word?
※curse wordとは「悪態の言葉」や「汚い言葉」、「罵り言葉」のこと。

What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?




What is your least favorite word?

-It's three words that we usually use as one;  woulda, shoulda, coulda.

これは、would have, should have, could haveのことですね。過去を振り返って、「~だっただろうに、~するべきだった、~することができただろうに」と、後悔の念や批判、非難を表す時のフレーズです。つまりダスティンさんは、過去に「あしとけば、こうしとけばという言葉」が嫌だというわけです。


What turns you on? 「あなたをわくわくさせるものは何?」
- laughter「笑い」

What turns you off? 「あなたをげんなりさせるものは?」
- tension「緊張」


Tom Hanks was born in Englewood Fire Dept, California, to Amos Mefford Hanks and Janet Marilyn Frager.

Hanks's parents divorced when he was five. The three oldest children, Sandra, Larry and Tom, went with their father; while the youngest, Jim remained with his mother in Red Bluff, California.

Both parents remarried. The first stepmother for Sandra, Larry, and Tom came to the marriage with five children of her own. Hanks once told Rolling Stone magazine:"Everybody in my family likes each other. But there were always about fifty people at the house. I didn't exactly feel like an outsider, but I was sort of outside of it."


That marriage ended in divorce after just 2 years, and Amos Hanks became a single parent, working long hours and relying on the children to fend for themselves often, an exercise in self-reliance that served the siblings well.

In school, Hanks was unpopular with students and teachers alike, telling Rolling Stone magazine: "I was a geek, a spaz. I was horribly, painfully, terribly shy. At the same time, I was the guy who'd yell out funny captions during filmstrips. But I didn't get into trouble. I was always a real good kid and pretty responsible."


Amos Hanks remarried in 1965 to the former Frances Wong, a San Francisco native of Chinese decent. Frances had three children, two of whom lived with Tom during his high school years. Tom acted in a school plays, including "South Pacific" while attending Skyline High School in Oakland, California.

Hanks studied theater at Chabot College, and after two years, transferred to Sacramento State University. Hanks told the New York Times: "Acting classes looked like the best place for a guy who liked to make a lot of noise and be rather flamboyant. I spent a lot of time going to plays. I wouldn't take dates with me. I'd just drive to a theater, buy myself a ticket, sit in the seat, and read the program, and then get into the play completely."


(Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

とまあー、米国では珍しくないですが、かなり複雑な家庭環境で育ったことがわかります。高校時代はa geek(オタク)で、超がつくくらいshyだったようです。しかし大学生になるとplay(演劇)に熱中していた様子がよくわかります。

           get into the play completely

のget into~は、日本語の「はまる」に近いです。


