
バートランド・ラッセル「幸福論 」Part1-2 バイロン風の不幸 抜粋読み下し      The Conquest of Happiness, by Bertrand Russell

 The habit of looking to the future and thinking that the whole meaning of the present lies in what it will bring forth is a pernicious one. There can be no value in the whole unless there is value in the parts. Life is not to be conceived on the analogy of a melodrama in which the hero and heroine go through incredible misfortunes for which they are compensated by a happy ending. I live and have my day, my son succeeds me and has his day, his son in turn succeeds him.
 習慣は、将来に期待して考える、現在の意味は全て未来がもたらすであろうものの中に存在すると、有害な習慣である。全体には価値はあり得ない、もし部分に価値が無ければ。人生はメロドラマを類推して考えられるべきではない、そこでは、ヒーローとヒロインは信じられない不運を乗り越え、ハッピーエンドで報われる 。私は生き、日々を過ごし、私の息子は私を継ぎ、日々を過ごし、彼の子が今度はあとを継ぐ。
 What is there in all this to make a tragedy about? On the contrary, if I livedfor ever the joys of life would inevitably in the end lose their savour. As it is, they remain perennially fresh.
  I warmed both hands
  before the fire;
  It sinks, and I am ready
  to depart.

 This attitude is quite as rational as that of indignation with death. If, therefore, moodswere to bedecided by reason, there would be quite as much reason for cheerfulness as for despair.


