バートランド・ラッセル「幸福論」をスラッシュ・リーディングする 第1章 −1 何が人を不幸にするのか
Chapter 1 What makes people unhappy?
Animals are happy /so long as they have health and enough to eat. Human beings, /one feels, /ought to be, /but in the modern world they are not, /at least in a great majority of cases. If you are unhappy yourself, /you will probably be prepared to admit /that you are not exceptional in this. If you are happy, /ask yourself /how many of your friends are so. And when you have reviewed your friends, /teach yourself the art of reading faces; /make yourself receptive to the moods of those /whom you meet /in the course of an ordinary day.
A mark in every face I meet,
Marks of weakness, marks of woe,
says Blake.
第1章 何が人を不幸にするのか。