
第8話 キャー こんなはずじゃなかったよ 大蛇だ~ A Big Scare - Not What We Expected! Giant snake!

They wandered into the forbidden forest by accident.

 大きな影法師から逃げ出したあげく うっかり迷い込んでしまったのが禁断の森と呼ばれる所で しかも 何もトグロを巻いた大蛇の身体の上で そんなことに気づかなくてもいいよね・・・
『何しにきたんだ お前たちは?!』
ミノリョンの真上からかけられたその声が あまりにも大きくて野太かったので全く生きた心地がしません。
 でもよく見ると何か変なのです。大蛇の首のあたりがやけに窮屈そうなのです。そのせいなのか 大蛇はまるで置物にでもなったかのように、少しも動こうとしません。動かせるのは目と 二股になった舌だけのようです。
『子ども達の夢の世界で大蛇が大暴れして あまりにも子供達を怖がらせたのでこの禁断の森に閉じ込められたって。』
『えっ そうなの? それにしても首のあたりがこれじゃ苦しいよね。』
『ウっ じっ 自由に動けるぞ!』
好きな所に行くといいさ。助かったよ ありがとな。』
そう言い残して大蛇は どこへともなく消えて行きました。


After escaping from the big shadow figures, they found themselves in a place known as the Forbidden Forest. And to make matters worse, they were on top of a coiled giant snake.

"Wouldn't it be nice if we didn't notice this?" Minoryon thought nervously.

"What are you doing here?!"

A loud, deep voice echoed from directly above Minoryon, making them feel like they were about to have a heart attack. But upon closer inspection, something seemed off. The neck area of the giant snake looked unusually tight. Maybe because of that, the snake didn't move at all, as if it had turned into an ornament. It seemed like the only parts it could move were its eyes and its forked tongue.

"I've heard about this somewhere," Magina said. "In the world of children's dreams, a giant snake caused such a scare that it was locked up in this Forbidden Forest."

"Really? But that neck looks so uncomfortable."

Minoryon gently stroked the tightly wrapped base of the snake's neck. Exactly at that moment, miraculously, the snake's body began to relax.

"It looks like the curse has been lifted," Magina said.

"Ah, I can move freely again!"

The snake said, shedding tears of joy and making a gesture as if loosening the stiffness in its neck.

"I'll ask my friend, the Rainbow Cat, to take you wherever you want to go. You've saved me. Thank you."

With those words, the giant snake disappeared somewhere.
