スーパーキャパシタDIYプロジェクト 墨汁寒天と銅板とアルミニウム電極
【真水 絶縁フィルター】
●This is a simple activated carbon battery, but it will be a battery with the aluminum foil side as the negative electrode. It also seems to have the property as a capacitor that can be charged and discharged with the aluminum side as the negative pole.
●Carbon ink and agar
I made a capacitor by sandwiching a tissue or coffee filter between two pieces of agar containing salt water and ink. The lower current collector electrode is made of aluminum foil and the upper current collector electrode is made of stainless steel mesh.
●Even without activated charcoal, the ink agar was enough to make a capacitor that can charge and discharge.
Charge and discharge characteristics are
Charging: 1.2 volts, 600 mA
Discharge: 0.9 volts, 120 mA
The charge/discharge characteristic is 0.9 volts, 120 mA.
If we use a per gram of activated charcoal, then 1 milliliter of ink is 1 gram of charcoal, and 1 gram of ink contains less than 200 milligrams of charcoal.
If 150 farads per gram is the standard, then 200 milligrams would be about 30 farads.
●Capacitance has not been measured.
If you can discharge 30 farads, a 0.12 amp discharge would discharge for 230 seconds.
A full charge of 30 farads would take 60 seconds.
●Fresh water Insulating filter
The filter between the electrodes should be an insulator. If salt water and India ink soak into the filter, no voltage will be applied when charging. In other words, it will not function as a capacitor.
It is difficult to keep the filter dry, so a filter coated with plain water acts as an insulator and can be charged and discharged as a capacitor.
●Water filter
Aluminum ions dissolve between the aluminum and the agar in contact with the aluminum. The upper stainless steel electrode can exchange electrons with the salt water agar. Even if the middle fresh water filter remains as an insulator, it can work as a battery as well as a capacitor.
●Self-charging capacitor
The first discharge of the battery is stored in the capacitor. The first discharge of the battery is stored in the capacitor.
●Aluminum foil activated carbon battery charging
Aluminum foil activated carbon batteries are not supposed to be charged or discharged. In this DIY project, aluminum foil is used as the lower flat electrode, which also serves as a current collector. The structure is a stack of activated carbon and stainless steel, as if piled up.
●How the aluminum activated carbon battery is charged.
The battery can be charged and discharged when it is recharged before the aluminum foil that dissolves in the electrolyte is completely torn apart. The aluminum ions that dissolve in the electrolyte are trapped between the aluminum foil, filter, and activated carbon to form a capacitor and a battery similar to a secondary battery.
●Copper top electrode
The top electrode was changed from stainless steel to a copper plate electrode. Charge and discharge characteristics are 1.9 volts and 250 mA for charge and 1.4 volts and 170 mA for discharge. The area in contact is increased from the stainless steel mesh electrode. The current during charging is low. It functions as an insulated capacitor.
Both the discharge voltage and current have increased. It is likely that copper melts during charging and precipitates during discharge. Copper is a more noble metal than iron, so it is understandable that the voltage has increased.