From James Allen to You 55

From poverty to power; or, the realization of prosperity and peace.
Part 2: The path to prosperity
The silent power of thought: controlling and directing one’s forces 3

The universe grew out of thought.
Matter in its last analysis is found to be merely objectivized thought.
All men’s accomplishments were first wrought out in thought,
and then objectivized.

The author, the inventor, the architect,
first builds up his work in thought,
and having perfected it in all its parts
as a complete and harmonious whole
upon the thought-plane.
he then commences to materialize it,
to bring it down to the material or sense-plane.

When the thought-forces are directed
in harmony with the over-ruling Law,
they are up-building and preservative,
but when subverted
they become disintegrating and self-destructive.

merely = only
to objectivize = to cause to be objective
objective = something that you plan to achieve
wrought = caused
plane = a particular level
to commence = to begin something
up-building = developing
preservative = a substance used to prevent decay
to subvert = to try to destroy or damage something
to disintegrate = to be destroyed by breaking into small pieces
