From James Allen to You 43

From poverty to power; or, the realization of prosperity and peace.
Part 2: The path to prosperity
The way out of undesirable conditions 22

And though he become rich many times,
yet as many times must he be thrown back into poverty, until,
by long experience and suffering
he conquers the poverty within.

But the man who is outwardly poor,
yet rich in virtue, is truly rich,
and, in the midst of all his poverty
he is surely traveling towards prosperity;
and abounding joy and bliss await his coming.
If you would become truly and permanently prosperous,
you must first become virtuous.

It is therefore unwise to aim directly at prosperity,
to make it the one object of life,
to reach out greedily for it,
To do this is to ultimately defeat yourself.

But rather aim at self-perfection,
make useful and unselfish service the object of your life,
and ever reach out hands of faith
towards the supreme and unalterable Good.

to abound = to exist in large numbers
virtuous = having good moral qualities and behaviour
greedy = wanting a lot more food, money, etc. than you need
unalterable = not able to be changed
