From James Allen to You 38
From poverty to power; or, the realization of prosperity and peace.
Part 2: The path to prosperity
The way out of undesirable conditions 17
Dwell constantly in mind upon the Eternal justice,
the Eternal Good.
Endeavor to lift yourself above the personal and the transitory
into the impersonal and permanent.
Shake off the delusion
that you are being injured or oppressed by another,
and try to realize,
by a profounder comprehension of your inner life,
and the laws which govern that life,
that you are only really injured by what is within you.
There is no practice
more degrading, debasing, and soul-destroying
than that of self-pity.
Cast it out from you.
While such a canker is feeding upon your heart
you can never expect to grow
into a fuller life.
to dwell = to live in a particular way
justice = fairness in the way people are dealt with
transitory = lasting for only a short time
profound = felt very strongly
to debase = to make something less good
to cast = to throw something
canker = a disease that attacks the wood of trees