From James Allen to You 45

From poverty to power; or, the realization of prosperity and peace.
Part 2: The path to prosperity
The way out of undesirable conditions 23

No matter how poor you are,
there is room for self-sacrifice,
for did not the widow put her all into the treasury?

The heart that truly desires to do good does not wait for money
before doing it,
but comes to the altar of sacrifice and,
leaving there the unworthy elements of self,
goes out and breathes upon neighbor and stranger, friend and enemy
alike the breath of blessedness.

As the effect is related to the cause,
so is prosperity and power related to the inward good
and poverty and weakness to the inward evil.

Money does not constitute true wealth, nor position, nor power,
and to rely upon it alone is to stand upon a slippery place.

widow = a woman whose husband has died and who has not married again
altar = a type of table used in religious ceremonies
