
Self Introduction - Mocco -

Hi. My name is Mocco. I'm mother of two boys.
Today's article is a challenge to write a self-introduction in English.

My English is at the Learner level. So there may be some things you don't understand along the way. But I hope you enjoy reading it.


I'm a patent attorney. In Japan, being a lawyer and a patent attorney are two separate qualifications, and the examinations are completely different.

As a patent attorney, I mainly deal with patent work. My area of expertise is chemistry. I am a member of a patent firm.

In Japan, it is still very difficult to work while raising children. For this reason, being able to work as a patent attorney has often helped me to continue my career.


I was in the Boys choir when I was a kid. When I was in high school, I played the cello in the orchestra of the school club. I still love to sing songs at karaoke.

I can't go to karaoke now, so I watch videos to relax instead.


I have been reading books as a hobby that I can do in my own time since my children were small. In English, I can only read at the level of children's books, and I have borrowed a lot of children's books from the library in order to reach one million words.

Here is a series that was my favorite when I was reading a lot of children's books.


I am taking a break from jogging now, but when my children were young, I used to jog in the morning to build up my strength.

In Japan, there was once a marathon boom. Because of this, there were many marathons. I ran the Yokohama full marathon twice and the Tokyo full marathon once. I was only able to run to the end once. I walked most of the way.

Still, the fact that I walked the full marathon all the way to the end gave me a lot of confidence.

The Yokohama Marathon can run on the freeway!

Thank you for reading to the end!

Here's a picture of the train wall my husband bought.
